I love that Thursdays are set aside to play along with Nicole at What a trip :
Just popping in from our staycation - not getting much computer time in, Hunter is working on his studies. I just thought I'll share 4 bits of great news giving me such joy and lots to be thankful for.
1. I visited our friend Stefaan on Sunday - he has been moved to the rehabilitation facility. He can move the big toe of his 'bad' leg! He is making good progress and is taking his meals in the dining room in his wheelchair.
2. The Little Miss at last on Tuesday afternoon managed to ride her big girl bicycle! We struggled with a tricycle and she never really mastered it. We are so happy and she is so proud of herself.
3. Little man L had his follow up appointment with the eye specialist on Tuesday morning. And as the doctor himself admitted, he did not have much hope that he will be able to use his eye at all but he has surprised the doc and us off course! He is focusing and following with it (with his glasses on). This means that his brain is finding a way of seeing ' past' the blockage. If we can improve this it means that in future an operation to fix the other problem is a possibility. He might actually be in for a chance of near normal sight.
4. An in a big moment for democracy the ANC lost their two thirds majority! The Democratic party did better in all provinces as the last election(and won the one province with an overwhelming majority - never seen before) and COPE established themselves well. I promise to do a good election post later.