Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Extreme sportsman in the making

Just to make it very clear, this is my child that can hardly walk yet, my hypotonic little monkey. This child has no fear. We are expecting Treetops tours at 7 and Bungi jumping at 12. Maybe he will be a rock climber like my cousin Theo?

And then he wants to slide down on his own. Seriously stuff to make a mom very very nervous! (but proud)


  1. Oh the stuff they will climb on, I tell ya. Fun but so nerve racking!

    BTW, thanks for your advice. I am going to link my post up at way back whensday too. :)

  2. He is adorable.They can be adventurous can't they?

  3. Hi from WW, he is soo cute. I just realized that my twin boys are almost the same age, and I can only imagine them climbing a up a slide, thank goodness we don't have one, lol!

  4. I have a little monkey just like that in my house. Of coures mine has been walking for a while now but the climbing is about enough to wear a poor girl out.

  5. No fear is undoubtedly what will push him through his delays. He'll be a strong character, no doubt.

  6. how fun...ella is like that too, braver than i want her to be.

  7. Ohhhh, how precious!

    I have always wanted to visit South Africa...

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by today! I'm glad you did. My gosh, you do have a little monkey on your hands. Look out; trouble on the way. ;)

  9. At least you are not in denial about his fearlessness. :)

  10. You should definitely be proud! what a great trait to have - fearlessness :)

  11. WOW! Look at him! How fantastic! It's amazing what our kiddies with extra challenges CAN do!

  12. He is fearless!! Good luck keeping that one out of trouble:-)

  13. Way to go, L! Rock climbing does look like a very real possibility! :-)

  14. Oops. Sent too soon. Thanks for visiting my blog, too. You're right, L and my boys do look similar with the glasses!

  15. Oh, is he ever a boy! It IS nerve-wracking. :)

    Happy Way Back When-esday, and thank you so much for playing along, Cat!

  16. Wow, that's amazing! Graham is such a little chicken....very cautious.


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