Thursday, 2 July 2009

The Grandparents are coming!

Oh my giosh, just heard, on very short notice, that my MIL and FIL are coming TOMORROW for a visit. It is short notice, but we did invite them - I just expected a bit more notice as to when they will be here. I have so much tidying to do right now! (Well tonight after work). But my FIL will fit another build in cupboard to our room which will make a huge difference in my life and my MIL will fill my freezer as always. So, all in all, another thing to be thankful about!


  1. Yay for family visits...even on short notice. Have fun I am sure the kids will be exicted to see them!

  2. OMGosh!! They sound like the sweetes of MIL's and FIL's. you are very lucky

  3. yeah for the grandparents. have fun!

  4. sending you lovely hello-hug from austria :) just discovered your blog via SITS

  5. Surprises like that are tough for me--I'm a control freak. But, once I get it together, it's always great! Enjoy your family, your new cabinet and your full freezer! Whooo hoooo!


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