Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Way back and wordful Whensday - school photo.

Joining Cheryl for a Way back Wednesday.
Playing with Angie for Wordful Wednesday....

I had no fixed idea for a photo for today, so I decided to do the play the old random game:
Pick a (blindfolded) random DVD from the back-up pile: 2007
Click on a random dated directory: 15/04/2007
Click view as list so that I can not see the pictures, and pick a random file.
And what we have is:

The Lil' Miss' first school photos. She was 3 years old at the time. Weird that I pick this blindly (I promise, no cheating involved), and we just had this year's school photo on Monday? My, she has really grown so much.


So what's on your mind?