Friday 9 December 2016

Five for Friday edition 25 - the it's almost holiday one!

1. I completed another run around the sun on Sunday and spent most of it singing in The Capital singers project - which really deserves a post on it's own. It was special and it was fun! We also spent wonderful family time together and the hubby made me a wonderful French chocolate cake - just as I love it.

2. Our Bookclub had a wonderful end of year/Christmas dinner on Tuesday night. The joy the friendship and great books bring into my life is just amazing

3. I look at all these Elf on the Shelve posts and I am like - "What the hec, who has time and energy for this?" Nothing against you if you do it - in fact I totally admire your dedication, creativity and mostly energy. But I am way too tired..

4. For those who did not manage to get a Lego Advent calendar - look what I found! This is brilliant! An electronic calendar with instructions to build Christmas items from standard Lego pieces one generally have available. We are so going to build some of them over the weekend and holidays. Check is out here: Lego classic advent calendar

5. We had our end of year dinner last Friday at the Hillside Tavern - an old Pretoria institution. Every byte that each of us had was wonderful! What a great lunch. The best for me was the Duck a'l Orange I had - it was truly out of this world.

In case you have not noticed I have 2 wonderful competitions running for great Christmas toys. Enter now - both are closing at 5pm this Sunday.


  1. Happy belated birthday!

    Also the lego build link is amazing.

    1. Thanks Cassey! I also think that build is absolutely fabulous!

  2. Im reading a book at the moment (FABULOUS) called The Year of living Danishly where her husband works for LEGO and she tells all sorts of interesting and useful to know tidbits :)

    1. Wow - I need to read that book? You reading on Kindle?

  3. Happy Birthday to you! Hope you are still celebrating. Hillside Tavern has such a good vibe.
    We are still doing the Christmas Story a day thing as advent.


So what's on your mind?