Wednesday 22 March 2017

I had many plans for the next few week

I had a wonderful canine nurse at home - Ocean took such great care of me.
I was really excited to take photos for A's dance teachers of their concert. I was really excited to walk my first Parkrun and do so many things. There were two book launches I had my eyes on - and so much more. But one never knows what will happen the next moment - and an accident is the last thing on your mind.

On Friday the 24th of February I had a half written Five for Friday post open on my laptop as I rushed to take something for the performance arts teacher at school and then pick up A to take her to a camp a bit later the afternoon. Her classroom is behind the stage in the hall - with a small passage leading to the stage. She and the kids were not in her classroom and I heard A's voice on the stage - I peaked in and saw them busy with a drama performance. I turned around to wait in her class and as I put down my left foot I stepped on a round orange pencil - I can still see it in my mind - neatly marked and round. It caught in the groove of my tekkies and I slipped - hitting a wet spot on the floor. My foot just went and went - I could not control it for one minute. In slow motion I realized that I am falling- and falling hard.

To make a long story short it was off to hospital, extreme pain and xrays, MRI scans and sonars. The end result being operated on on the 6th of March to repair my hamstring - partially torn off at the origin and with about 5 tears in itself - one rather big one. The last two week was spent lying mostly (as due to the laparoscopy I have 3 holes right under my sitting bone) and a very sore leg, There has been physio and frustration. Work had to be taken care of by my wonderful peeps at the office who have been simply amazing and at home Hunter had to fill in - a lot! He was simply amazing - I can not even start to tell you how he seamlessly took over everything I do and I kept doing all his tastks You can do very little for yourself flat on your back and on two crutches. Luckily our wonderful au pair was there for afternoons and to get me to physio. Our Lucy took care of me during the day - making sure I had ice on my leg and something in my tummy.

One wonders why this had to happen - I was a tad  quite angry about this! Why do things ike this even happen? ( just goes to show to how very important a good medical aid is too). Myabe it was God's way to slow me down a bit. I was running life fast and furious - maybe I had to slow down for a few weeks. Who knows? I though I would blog a lot, I thought I would draw an bit but it transpires you can not work well lying down with a computer or draw for that matter. I did colour one picture and read quite a bit. But that is about it. There was however a bit of quality time with each kid as all of them at some stage cam to sit with me on the bed and play a game, or simply chat.

I have learned a lot these past few weeks - and will share some thoughts later Mostly we spoil out kids and they can do so much more than we think they can. And none of us is as irreplaceable as we think we are. 

There will still be  a road of rehab to follow and lots of hard work - I guess some pain too. But I am feeling a lot better today and stronger. Onwards - but maybe a bit slower than before.


  1. You just take it slow and listen to your doctors :) I loved spending time with you last week - am so glad I got to see you!


    1. Thanks so much once again! It was so lovely

  2. Ouchie. Look after you as best you can.

  3. Wow! "Life happens while we are making other plans!" Another friend also had the same type of injury and said maybe she had to stand still for a while.

  4. I was wondering where you were. Goodness, sounds very ouchie indeed. You are right about our kids being spoilt. If we aren't there they simply learn to make do.
    I love the pic of Ocean. How is it that dogs just "know" what we need. I love that about dogs. Always around to give a hug.
    Yep, you didn't want to slow down yourself so...........
    All the best for a fast healing process. Don't rush things, take your time

    1. They just know - she was so careful around me. I will try my best

  5. Shame man, so sorry to hear about your fall and after. Take care of you and just chill a bit, getting up and running too soon might hurt you all over again. Take care xx

  6. That sounds so rough. It is always hard when things suddenly change for us and it feels like forever. Take care of yourself and appreciate this slower time because things will get very busy very soon again for you :-)

  7. How awful! I hope you're feeling better, and healing nicely! Megan xx


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