Wednesday 29 March 2017

Is this the start of the teenage thing?

The last few mornings has been a bit, well, how will I put it? Trying? Difficult? Maybe not more than the usual, it's just that the tone has gone up that one, two notches. The same girl that now prepares their lunchboxes every evening, helps out so much and in general is the sweetest child will explode into a raging animal for a few minutes, to switch back to the sweet cuddly girl we know within another 5 minutes.

It has only been a few times now - I can count them on my one hand - but the frequency is picking up. I know it's probably hormones that are at work in full force. It is also the end of a very long first term with some late nights for the ballet concert. She has been busy. But dressing takes soooo much longer these days - even for school.

I would love to have a great loving open relationship with her but I struggle with the animal that takes over once in a while. I want to shout and scream at that animal - the only problem being that while the animal is in place she hears nothing. And then the sweet girl returns and who wants to shout at her? But geez guys - I need some advice here from those who have the been there done that teen T shirt. Help!!!!


  1. I hear you.... oddly enough we have a bit of that already and we still have few years to go :(

  2. That sounds like me :) when I'm pre-menstrual so it's definitely hormones.

    I think you have to ride it out and just have a big signboard in your mind that says BREATHE DEEP~!

  3. Sorry, no help here. Me and the 8 year old boy shout at each other like raging, hormonal teenagers already. I know Deblet will have advise her :-)

    1. Oh I can do with her experience but she never comments on my blog. I do not think she reads it

  4. Before I got to the bit where you suspect hormones, that's what I was thinking. In which case all I can say is "This too will pass". I remember getting so angry with Domi that I wanted to slap her and on one occasion I did. There's no magic formula that I discovered. Hang in there

    1. And now this morning she is as sweet as can be

  5. Like a toddler again! 😜I used to tell the eldest to watch her tone, and it worked! I don't know what is in store for us with the youngest! She still gets her melt-downs...😱

  6. Eeeeeek good luck! I have a threenager on my hands... I get the chills thinking what she's going to be like when she's a teenager if I look how she can go off her rocker at age almost-3...

  7. Oy. When you find some answers, feel free to share!
    I think the only way you can deal is to not let the tantrums and rages shake you. You have to put on an oscar performance of calm when your every instinct is to rage even harder, and then talk it out later, when you're both calm.

  8. I have no advice - but I feel your pain. You see, both my nephew and niece used to live with us befor we had kids. On seperate occassions and both at the troublesome teen time Man, oh man, was tha rough.I have no idea if I failed miserably at it, or did ok, but it surely was trying. It was such a delicate line I had to walk not only to makesure I got through to them without making them rebel evn more, but also I hurdles. But just know I understand your struggle. Just keep doing your best- having their interests as a's all we can do. Xwasnt their mother..and that came with a whole other bag of


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