Monday, 27 October 2008

Jingle bells!

Can you freaking believe it - they are putting up Christmas decorations in the shopping malls? Is it not another whole 2 months to Christmas? Off course we do not have Halloween and Thanksgiving to fill the gaps until Christmas, but I think this is plain crazy. Any Christmas decorations up in your part of the world?

Well, that's just my bit of venting as I am so completely overloaded at work that I can not think straight and can not think about Christmas yet. At all. And I am proud to say that I have made it through the weekend alone with the kiddos - gran helped a bit, but for the rest it was fine. Apart from the fact that we didn't prepare The Little Miss that dad would be gone for the weekend and he came home so late on Thursday night that she didn't see him - so by yesterday morning she had it! If you take into account that the last time she saw him was on Wednesday night it is completely fare of her to be upset - but not so fare on mom. I had a hugely upset and very difficult little girl and off course The Boys who have their own needs - amongst them to grab whatever the other one is playing with for yourself. So the poor pups only got their breakfast at 9:30 and mom then packed everybody for an excursion - where I at last had breakfast when the kids had lunch at about 12:30. Oh well, at least we all had a little nap the afternoon. On return, dad was completely ignored by The Little Miss and he had to work very hard to get her to sit with him etc. We will certainly prepare her a bit better next time. He, by the way, had a great time - they saw Rhino and all the usual suspects (giraffes, koedoe, impala, zebra, eland etc.) close by while hiking and had lions very near at night. No photos though, sorry to say, when you are the guide it is your work to ensure good photos for your clients, not for you. How I am yearning for a bit of open air, veld and peace and quiet.


  1. the thought of christmas totally freaks me out...i am not ready!

  2. We haven't had Halloween or Thanksgiving yet and yes Christmas stuff is up all over in the stores for sale. WalMart and the Craft stores are starting to decorate for Christmas as well. I believe the Home Repair stores had Christmas stuff up last month in Vegas while I was there.

    Am I understanding that you/your husband give wildlife tours? HOW COOL IS THAT?!

  3. We have had Christmas Decorations out in the stores since the end of September. It makes me think that this whole Christmas commercialism has gotten a bit out of hand.

    I feel your pain on the little ones missing their dad. My husband travels as much as he is home.......and he is the favorite parent. No one is completely happy when he is away. Sounds like your guy had a great adventure.

  4. I hate when Christmas stuff is out before Hallowee is over. I use to work in retail at Kohl's and we put Christmas stuff up every year in September. It made me sick!

  5. I am with you all. Every year this bothers me, why do we have to move ahead so quickly? Let just enjoy Halloween and then Thanksgiving.

  6. Oh my. Ya - not ready for Christmas. But yes - I've seen stuff up already. Not exactly decorations, but the stores around here have their aisles full of decorations already. So.Not.Right.

    And oh my goodness - that's too funny that Little Miss was ignoring your hubby! LOL

  7. I started seeing Christmas decorations in the beginning of October! I thought, let me get through Halloween. It's too bad because I really enjoy Fall and all that comes with it. Having Christmas crammed down my throat kind of takes some of the fun away. Good news is that I started my shopping a few weeks ago. I hope not to become overwhelmed this year--but I say that every year!

  8. What I loved about living out in the bush was that it wasn't quiet. There was the continuous buzz of cicadas, doves doing laps of the water hole, francolins clucking around my tent, the snaping of branches as huge herds of elephant passed by, and the boom of lions calling at night. I miss it today still.

    And I'm not even going to talk about Christmas stuff -- it's far too early. I just walk briskly by when I see stuff in the shops.

  9. oh don't worry, we do have halloween and thanksgiving and most of the racks are FULL of christmas stuff. The other holidays apparently pale in comparison.


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