Thursday, 9 October 2008

Playing Tag with memory loss

So Debi tagged me for this one - and true to my brand spanking new resolution, all posts have to wait until this is done - I have such great news that I have been keeping secret since Tuesday!

In any event, this is how it works: *Go to your Sixth Picture Folder then pick your Sixth Picture.
Then pray that you remember the details. Tag 5 others.

Well, this is what I found:

Lucky girl me - I can remember the details exactly. We even used another one from the same series as our Xmas card that year.

Time: Somewhere between 4 and 6 October 2006.
Place: The world famous surfing village of Cape St Francis, Eastern Cape, SA. (fetured in the Endless Summer surfing classics as the perfect wave)
The occasion: We were driving back from Stormsriver mouth where we spent a couple of days with my FIL and MIL celebrating his 60th birthday. The Little Miss was 21 months old. And in her hands is the infamous "Bersie-beer" I'll have to tell all about that one.

So, I am tagging the following girls:
1. Heaven's mom at Frizzy & bird
2. Nancy at the Zimmer Zoo
3. Rachael at Little bites...
4. Terri at Irish eyes...
5. Jen at Buried with children

Have fun girls!


  1. Thanks for the tag - what a neat idea!

    Very cute pic :)

  2. Thanks for tagging me. I'll probably do this for Carrie's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta. Did you know I am a Social Worker and my main field is working with Alzheimer's/Dementia patients?

  3. this is an interesting one. I will get to it.
    Wait you have a secret? Do tell! What is it...

  4. cute photo...but what's the tease!?!?!

  5. Hi, thanks for your comment on my blog.

    I saw this game over at Debi' blog and have been chasing it around the blogosphere.

    It looks like a lovely spot, and I can see how a similar one would make a nice christmas card.


So what's on your mind?