Friday, 21 November 2008

Dear mom in the baby changing room.

Dear fellow mom in the baby changing room at our local shopping centre,

That friendly smile and nod just did not do it for me. Could you not see the absolute disbelieve and anger in my eyes? Could you not notice the tears on my boy's cheeks? And could you not hear them crying ( more correct screaming) while you were having you 10 minute long telephone conversation in the baby changing room?

I am sure your kid will never cry like that because she has a runny tummy and nasty nappy rash due to teething. No, she is just so perfect in her little boutique dress and top of the range Jeep pram - the cuteness just oozes. And I am sure you needed the room for the 2 minutes it takes to change her nappy - but did you really have to have a heart to heart with your best friend there and then. As if it is the most comfortable and attractive area in the world. For 10 freaking minutes! And ignore my hammering on the door and crying kids?

Sincerely, the mom with two boys with runny noses, tummies and an impatient 3 year old.

Today I am thankful for good quality nappies. Enough said!


  1. I hope your boys tummies feel better!

  2. Some moms just don't get and out and no one suffers.

  3. Oh, I HATE when people do that. Seriously, are they in their own universe? :(

  4. Oh, how funny and very well-said! Loved it!

    I'm over from SITS, by the way!

  5. Some people have nerve. Popping in from SITS! Have a great day!

  6. Oh how could someone do that! Please people come on.

  7. I'm all about a little common courtesy! I feel your pain.

  8. that's terrible. I could understand if her kid was sick or something, but really? In and out because everyone needs it.

  9. Oh horrible!!! I'm soo sorry you had to wait and she was sooo rude!!

    Ugh, people surprise me every day....

  10. How inconsiderate! I can't believe she would just stay in there on the phone?? Some people!

  11. Sorry to hear this happened to you and the kids. I don't get it sometimes. Give the kids hugs from me and have them give you one too. Hope they feel better soon.

  12. What is wrong with people that they can't have courtesy for others????

  13. Some people are so rude and insensitive. You would think a fellow mommy would act better.

  14. Visiting from SITS!

    I HATE it when that happens!! Ruuuuuuude!!

  15. OH-NO-SHE-DI'IN'T hog the changing area to jibber jabber!!
    you're a better woman than me for not calling her out on it!

  16. It sounds like a crow bar would have been handy to have in the diaper bag about then, huh?

  17. Some people, they just don't get it.

  18. Ugg, I hate self-centered ppl like that!

  19. Some folks are SO inconsiderate! Hiya, SITSta! My Great New Pop'rs Thanksgiving Extravaganza is still underway, so please come by and share some Comment Love!

  20. how incredibly rude!! Your poor lil guys! My guy's got tummy issues this week too and a bright red rear. I feel so bad when I have to change his diaper b/c he cries so bad! :-(

  21. :) I remember trying to buy some clothes that fit me after I had my baby girl. It was one of our first outings. She would NOT stop screaming. I was having issues nursing... and I ended up sitting there crying in the dressing room, nursing my fussy baby, in my frumpy maternity clothes, with piles of clothes around me that I never got to try on.

  22. Bummer-what a rude lady! Your poor little ones (and you) from SITS for the first time, great blog and great layout!


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