Wednesday 10 December 2008

Way back WHEN sday

I am planning to take the kids to see Santa next week when I am on holiday. Last year we just didn't make it - it was an extremely difficult time with The Boys.

Timeline: December 2006 - The Little Miss was just short of 2 years

The previous year she willingly sat on Santa's lap, this year, no chance! Mom had to hold her and just look at that face!

Pop over to Cheryl's to see who else is playing along.

Edit to add: Keep your eyes peeled for my first ever giveaway tomorrow.


  1. i am loving all these santa pictures everyone has up! it may just inspire me to take the triplets this year. although my experiences with lydia left me a bit leery of it since she hated everything in a costume!

    yay for a giveaway!

  2. What a fun Santa shot...and that you all can see Santa without big thick coats and cumbersome accessories! (Have to wonder how hot Santa was under all his garb!)

    What a great Way Back When-esday! Thanks so much for playing along, Cat!

  3. How adorable!!!!
    I just love pics of Little Miss when she was younger!
    Happy Whens-Day!


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