Friday, 30 January 2009

A quick update.

I have miles of stuff to blog about and many posts way behind their almost expiry date for being relevant at all, but I thought a quick update on us all is appropriate.

The charming and delightful hubby H has started a course at our local university in order to do a slight adjustment in his career path. I am all excited for him. He is really unhappy at his current job - yes, they are abusing him because he gets things done and the sucker he is, keeps on doing everything. He keeps on winning Employee of the year awards, to what benefit, I ask you? Well, maybe it is Calvinistic work ethic. But being a white male South Africa, jobs are not exactly jumping out at him. This will bring a whole new angle to his propositions. I will support him with all I can.

My mom - her eye has finally, after 5 operations and one consulting room procedure, been declared as saved. Now, for the knee replacement. Her appointment is in March.

Dear Lucy our nanny has still not found a room near to us to stay in for week nights. Currently she is sleeping in the room with The Little Miss for the 4 nights a week. This can not continue indefinitely. We have looked at another home to buy, but yes, not the best of economic time to do this. I actually fell in love with this house - needs a mile of work, but gosh, the kitchen! Well, just forget about it. I am actually aching for space to spread my wings in my house.

The Little Miss is loving her ballet and is starting with pottery classes next week. She has been kept behind for a quarter in the grade000 class to gain confidence (as she was the youngest in her class) and this is working so well.

Little Man C is running, not walking any more. He is growing so strong and heavy! He is building huge towers of blocks (something his brother's been doing for a while), up to 10 or 11 blocks.

Little Man L is slowly growing used to his glasses. We got the devastating news from the retina specialist that the growth of nerve sleeves behind his retina can not be fixed and that it will stay with him for life. Now we need to make the most of the sight he has in that eye and to keep the other as well as possible.

The Boys are having a check-up at the nurse on Wednesday so I will then give a 16 month report.

The In-laws are doing well. It is my MIL birthday today, but this is overshadowed by the death last night of H's uncle and her brother in law, George. Thank goodness we made a plan to see him in December when we were at the coast as he was already very weak. He has been battling emphysema for more than a year.

The Dubai in-laws are doing well - my BIL is currently on a 4 day visit to South-Africa for work and slept over with us on Wednesday evening. He will spend tonight with his parents (he flew over for a day).

And finally - me, myself, I spent yesterday in bed with a tummy bug. Not really well yet, but getting better. Now if I can only get rid of the aching body...


  1. Thanks so much for popping by today... You have a beautiful family! Off to read some more.. : )

  2. Feel better soon! Looks like life never slows down does it?

  3. I don't think life ever slows down with kids. Goodness i hope you get over the bug soon.

  4. Sorry you're not feeling great. I've had a cold since last Sunday, but a cold is never as miserable as tummy troubles.

    Thanks for the update!

  5. I'm exhausted for you! I hope you are feeling better today.
    I am sorry to hear about the loss of your Hubby's Uncle.
    Happy Birthday to your MIL. I hope that when things settle down in a few weeks, she celebrates the way that her happy.
    I have an adult friend with a similar diagnoses as Little Man L. His optical nerves never did attach to the back of his eye, so he has never had sight at all in that eye. I met him in High School. It never kept him from doing anything he wanted. He is a tall guy and played basketball on the high school team. He is actually the guy who set the Rocket Scientist and I up. Because of his eye and his musical talent, he recieved a full ride scholarship to University of Utah. He aways joked it was the one eye, musician scholarship. I guess, I just wanted you to know that even though there is a certain amount of mourning you have to do when given news like you were about Little Man L, that there is all kinds of hope. My friend is married with 3 kids of his own now. He is in a couple of local swing band and ska bands as a hobby and a computer programmer for Motorolla by day. I hope this helps to bring some comfort.
    Thinking of you and your family.


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