Mom: went to bed at 10:00 - slept until dad came home from study group at 11:15. Said hallo to dad. Total sleep time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Mom: Went back to sleep. Woken up by Little man L at 12:30. Total sleep time: 1 hour
Little man L: Went to sleep at 7:00 woke up at 12:30. Total sleep time: 5hours 30 minutes.
Mom: tries to sleep but gets woken up 9 times until 4:30
Little man C: Went to sleep at 7:00 woke up at 4:30 due to Little man L's crying. Total sleep time: 9 hour 30 minutes.
Mom puts both boys in bed with her - chaos ensues. Put both back into cribs - miracle they sleep.
Mom goes back to sleep at 4:45 and alarm clock goes at 6:00 - Total sleep time: 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Nap time today: Both boys sleep 1 and a half hours - mommy 's working! Mom's total sleep time (very interrupted) 3 hours 30 minutes.
Something is just not fair. (I have to come up in Hunter's defence - as my contribution to his studies I am taking night duties for the next 3 weeks - so I am probably going to be a zombie after these 6 weeks.) I am starting to forget work things....
What about calling all the prayer warrior please?
Friday, 29 May 2009
Friday photo finish fiesta

Time once again to head over to Carrie's. This is one of my favorite weekly dates as you see so many great (and often short bits to read) posts and pictures. Do hop over there and join in the fun.
The Little Miss in full Winter ballet gear.
She and friend Danielle before class.
Friday foto finish
Thursday, 28 May 2009
Thanksgiving Thursday

Oh my, I really have so much to be thankful of today! (Playing along with Nicole at What a trip!)
1. Most importantly, 8 hours of interrupted sleep - I feel like a new person. Maybe last night was just a lucky fluke, maybe we have broken the bad cycle, but it was bliss. No, I don't have a secret but maybe the shorter naps (1 and a half hours versus 2 and a half), homeopathic suppositories, our local homeopaths sleep drops, maybe the iron supplement, maybe the humidifier I added to their room are all starting to take effect after a few days? I really do not know. Probably the pain medication the pharmacist suggested to break the cycle for 5 days, who knows? All I know is that I have spent a fortune but that it was all worth it for a night's sleep. We also made it a matter of prayer - never underestimate the value of praying.
2. My mom is home, walking short trips and in such a positive mood. I am in awe of her quick recovery. And so thankful for it.
3. For my new red shoes and old red beads - they are going to be a winning team to brighten up my winter wardrobe.
4. The little Miss is now forced (due to my mom being unable to help me with transporting her) to spent Wednesday afternoons after ballet with me in the office. She is such a good girl, she plays on her own, is friendly to all - I am so thankful for that. Doing some "model building" below.
5. It looks as if one of our bigger jobs might get the go ahead at the office. This might just help to keep us afloat in the recession.
6. I am so thankful that we have had a much healthier winter this year - so far at least. Last year was a nightmare.
7. Our friend Ilse had a really tough time after Tessa's birth - she bled, almost had to have an emergency hysterectomy (at 36) and received 5 units of blood. But she is recovering well.
8. Little Tessa - if you are a regular reader you might know the story, if you want to know - go check here. When the 1:50 Downs syndrome chance was given to them they decided not to do an amnio due to the 1:100 risk of losing the baby, as they decided that abortion is not an option. Their trust in God was confirmed and she was born 100% normal. We have not seen her yet as both families have had a rough two weeks.
9. Her dad is now walking! Stefaan is walking with crutches, basically dragging his "bad leg", but progressing. He still spends most of his time in the wheelchair, but he is walking!
10. That The Little Miss is such a great sister. She is loving her brothers to bits.
11. And I have to add an extra one today: that Hunter is almost done with his first course. I am really admiring that he is pushing through - travelling to work each day, the kids, house and studies must be really tough. He is probably going to continue, which I think is great news.
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Way back and wordful Whensday

Timeline: 1973
My age: 5
We used to live on a smallholding where we had a few cows, a sheep or 3, chickens, ducks and geese, turkeys and bunnies. This was our first calf, which I named "Blommetjie" or little flower translated. She was mine and when she was sold after my dad passed away, the money was deposited in my bank account and was eventually used for my university fund.
I loved to play on the smallholding and I had 4 dogs, two house cats and about 30 yard cats to play with.
My dad farmed with flowers but was a full time Personnel manager, part time artist and lover of tiny German model trains.

For some more blasts form the past go over to Cheryl's and play along and if like me, and Angie at 7 Clown circus's Wordful Wednesday you have to "talk" about your photographs, head over there to have a look as well.
Monday, 25 May 2009
4 is so the best age ever!
I am really enjoying my little girl at the moment. 4 is such a great age! There are so many things I am loving about her right now.
Her imagination runs wild at the best of times. She keeps herself busy for hours with literally nothing. Just yesterday she was busy baking a cake in the sandbox with a pail, some spades, leaves, flowers etc. This followed on watching Nigella with mommy and declaring that she wants to be a chef just like Nigella. Yeah, I'd also love to be Nigella. Just tonight her career choice changed in the bath to being a pharmacist - someone that can mix medicine with bathwater and shampoo. These are off course following Wonder woman and a "police girl" after the theme for school last week was "people that help us". We have also been through phases of being a veterinarian (after visiting the vet with one of the pups), a hairdresser after her visit to mine and off course, the now famous Dr Barbie. I love how sometimes we are a family of crocodiles (from baby broter crocs, to little girl crocs and mommy and daddy crocs) and sometimes a family of panda bears, or whatever catches the imagination at the time.

I just love it that she is trying so hard to help mommy sometimes, even if she gives up soon. I love it how she knows when mommy is sad and daddy is tired - as long as she is not tired, she is the perfect little helper. Sometimes her insight is way above what we believe a child of her age should be - she understands when things are tough, on a instinct level she tries to help.

I can not get enough of the little girl hugs and kisses. I can not get enough of the dressing up and princess stuff and I certainly can not get enough of her hiding and surprising me around the house every day and the hugs that follows. I also wishes that she would come and cuddle more often in our bed in the mornings.
She loves her room and her bed and play on her own. She is surprisingly neat in her own way - she packs things away in containers, maybe not how I would group them, but in some sort of way she has some order installed. And she keeps it mostly intact. She gets hugely upset if a visiting friend or her brothers makes her room untidy. And I love how she is all interested in make-up and hair and all sorts of feminine finery.
Her independence and her clear ideas on choice really thrills me (although sometimes is a more negative than positive way). This little girl really knows what she wants. She amazed me yesterday about how clear and precise she chose when I took her clothes shopping. How she reasoned what top to wear with what bottom and choosing and not complaining when she had to decide which to leave and which to buy. And a poncho works just as well as a skirt.

Her "remember when" game is such a joy - she "remembers" things like - "do you remember when I was born you wanted a little girl just like me?" to yesterday's special lunch or Fridays ingredients of her lunch box. She definitely has her daddy's great memory.
I am so glad that God blessed us (and me particularly) with our little girl. She is such a joy. We are going to be great girlfriends one day, well maybe we are already.
And in other news, we have not been sleeping for 3 weeks - that's now me and Little man L. Any ideas? I am today cutting down on his nap, adding an iron supplement and hoping for the best. Failing which, cry out??? Anybody tried it, did it work?
Her imagination runs wild at the best of times. She keeps herself busy for hours with literally nothing. Just yesterday she was busy baking a cake in the sandbox with a pail, some spades, leaves, flowers etc. This followed on watching Nigella with mommy and declaring that she wants to be a chef just like Nigella. Yeah, I'd also love to be Nigella. Just tonight her career choice changed in the bath to being a pharmacist - someone that can mix medicine with bathwater and shampoo. These are off course following Wonder woman and a "police girl" after the theme for school last week was "people that help us". We have also been through phases of being a veterinarian (after visiting the vet with one of the pups), a hairdresser after her visit to mine and off course, the now famous Dr Barbie. I love how sometimes we are a family of crocodiles (from baby broter crocs, to little girl crocs and mommy and daddy crocs) and sometimes a family of panda bears, or whatever catches the imagination at the time.
I just love it that she is trying so hard to help mommy sometimes, even if she gives up soon. I love it how she knows when mommy is sad and daddy is tired - as long as she is not tired, she is the perfect little helper. Sometimes her insight is way above what we believe a child of her age should be - she understands when things are tough, on a instinct level she tries to help.
I can not get enough of the little girl hugs and kisses. I can not get enough of the dressing up and princess stuff and I certainly can not get enough of her hiding and surprising me around the house every day and the hugs that follows. I also wishes that she would come and cuddle more often in our bed in the mornings.
She loves her room and her bed and play on her own. She is surprisingly neat in her own way - she packs things away in containers, maybe not how I would group them, but in some sort of way she has some order installed. And she keeps it mostly intact. She gets hugely upset if a visiting friend or her brothers makes her room untidy. And I love how she is all interested in make-up and hair and all sorts of feminine finery.
Her independence and her clear ideas on choice really thrills me (although sometimes is a more negative than positive way). This little girl really knows what she wants. She amazed me yesterday about how clear and precise she chose when I took her clothes shopping. How she reasoned what top to wear with what bottom and choosing and not complaining when she had to decide which to leave and which to buy. And a poncho works just as well as a skirt.
Her "remember when" game is such a joy - she "remembers" things like - "do you remember when I was born you wanted a little girl just like me?" to yesterday's special lunch or Fridays ingredients of her lunch box. She definitely has her daddy's great memory.
I am so glad that God blessed us (and me particularly) with our little girl. She is such a joy. We are going to be great girlfriends one day, well maybe we are already.
And in other news, we have not been sleeping for 3 weeks - that's now me and Little man L. Any ideas? I am today cutting down on his nap, adding an iron supplement and hoping for the best. Failing which, cry out??? Anybody tried it, did it work?
Makes my Monday

So what makes my Monday today? (go to Cheryl's - click image, to see some other great Mondays)
I missed so much on the blog last week - everything was really hectic with my mom in hospital etc, so I have heaps that makes my day.
1. Off course my mom being so much better than a week ago. She walks, she is recovering so well. She is at a step-down facility until Wednesday. And she is so positive - that makes all the difference.
2. Our friends Stefaan and Ilse's little Tessa was born last Monday - a healthy 3kg baby. All seems normal and healthy at present.
3. My sweet hubby - oh I just love the man. Today my heart is just filled with love.
4. And winter soup - I really am not a fan of winter, but I adore soup. For lunch today I had butternut soup with ginger and orange. Hmmm..

Our home team, the Bulls made the final for the Super 14 rugby competition and will host their first final ever. If you want to know how huge this is, imagine your favorite football or baseball team competing with other club teams from the two other nations that are the other strongest contenders in the game. (Ok maybe that is difficult to imagine) Let's try to explain it : South African, Nieu Zealand and Australian clubs battle it out by all playing each other in rugby union and the top 4 teams then play against each other in semi finals and finals. The games are broadcasted in 41 countries all over the world. It is some of the most exciting rugby played. Yeah Bulls!
So what makes your Monday?
Friday, 22 May 2009
Friday photo finish fiesta - my sweet girlies.

Hosted by Carrie.
My sweet girls, my first kids,
Tonight mommy's tired, they day's been long. The week's been long with gran in the hospital and daddy busy with studies. Work's been tough. But tonight finds me sitting at the laptop, Moya's head resting on my lap. Bongi, you are curled on my feet, keeping them nice and warm. I am peaceful and contend.
Although you are not getting all the attention you used to get, although your walks may be more limited and you may be reprimanded to be good to the 3 little human monsters, you stay eternally faithful and loving. You are such great big sisters.
Moya you were the very first one to know that mommy was pregnant every time. In fact the first time we thought you were sick, the second time around we knew you were just looking after mommy. Bongi, you are such a great babysitter - every time you looked after those babies in their first week. You just slept wherever they were, and stuck to it, no matter what.
Sometimes mommy wonders if she can clicker train the human kids. You guys did so well with it. If I say sit, you sit. If I say stay, you stay. Not so with the other 3. Maybe M&M's and your clickers will work?
In any event, mommy just want to tell you that you girls rock! I love you to bits.
Forever your mommy.
Friday foto finish,
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Today is going to be a busy day over here.
Morning girls! Today is going to be the busiest day yet on this blog!
Firstly, I am delighted to have been chosen as the Thursday sh
out out at

If you are here for the first time, welcome fellow multiple mom! I really think Amanda and Lani are doing us all a great favour in introducing us to or fellow MOMS worldwide. Thanks girls. If you are a mom of multiples and you have not joined yet, what are you waiting for?
Secondly, I am doing my first guest post ever, over at Rachael's.

Please head over there to read what I have to say today.
A little extract as a teaser: "While paging through the employment section of our local newspaper today, a very funny advertisement for a copywriter caught my eye. Which had the creative juices flowing in my head as to what an advertisement will look like for a MOM (Mom of Multiples). So here's my best shot"
If you are not already reading her blog, be sure to head over and read it in future. She is one of my best blogging buddies and fellow multiple mom - she has an athletic 12 year old, Lydia and toddler triplets. Yeah, and sometimes I wished I had Lydia over at my house to help out.And if you are over visiting from Rachael's, welcome and stay a while.
If you want to read some highlights from my blog, see the list below. (If you are over from Multiples and more, some of these are featured over there.)
Firstly, I am delighted to have been chosen as the Thursday sh

If you are here for the first time, welcome fellow multiple mom! I really think Amanda and Lani are doing us all a great favour in introducing us to or fellow MOMS worldwide. Thanks girls. If you are a mom of multiples and you have not joined yet, what are you waiting for?
Secondly, I am doing my first guest post ever, over at Rachael's.

Please head over there to read what I have to say today.
A little extract as a teaser: "While paging through the employment section of our local newspaper today, a very funny advertisement for a copywriter caught my eye. Which had the creative juices flowing in my head as to what an advertisement will look like for a MOM (Mom of Multiples). So here's my best shot"
If you are not already reading her blog, be sure to head over and read it in future. She is one of my best blogging buddies and fellow multiple mom - she has an athletic 12 year old, Lydia and toddler triplets. Yeah, and sometimes I wished I had Lydia over at my house to help out.And if you are over visiting from Rachael's, welcome and stay a while.
If you want to read some highlights from my blog, see the list below. (If you are over from Multiples and more, some of these are featured over there.)
About our bodies after a multiple pregnancy:
A very honest look at life with multiples (and a third)
About South Africa:
Some history on my twins, and my best friends twins (and other ramblings):
About my daughter and my visit to the Kruger National park:
Some cute kiddies moments:
Also, to add a bit of news, a South African baby became a Twitter newsmaker - read here. BTW, Tertia's blog is really great.
Also, to add a bit of news, a South African baby became a Twitter newsmaker - read here. BTW, Tertia's blog is really great.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Chick chat with 3 Baby B Chicks

Today I am delighted to be one of the participants in Chick Chat. Along with me, you can hear 4 other bloggers all talking about: Confessions of a mother - true life funny or embarrassing stories.
I made a great movie, I had such high hopes that this will be great, then found out that HDD camcorders are not Youtube friendly, then tried a million ways to reduce the file size, and failed! I hope this do!
Have a listen and pop over to the other participants to hear their stories. And please comment - we all love those comments.
They are:
Thuy and Kacey from the Three Bay B Chicks (True confessions, these)
Cari from Beauty and the Little Beast (Escaping the kids in her van!)
Elisabeth from Blog Baby (Seriously funny)
Juls from Everyday is a Crazee Day(Those kids rock)
And yes, my accent is funny and no, English is not my first language. And sorry about the quality of the video - believe me I have struggled with the quality to no end in attempting to get my file small enough to post.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Just a bit of news.
My mom came through fine with the surgery and is currently in the high care unit. Thanks for all your prayers and kind thoughts.
Edit to add: High care is one step down from Intensive care - a nursing sister monitors two patients each permanently for the first 24 hours after surgery to ensure all goes well while the patients are permanently connected to observation machines and oxygen. They do this standard after this type of surgery here for elderly patients. It is normal procedure.
Edit to add: High care is one step down from Intensive care - a nursing sister monitors two patients each permanently for the first 24 hours after surgery to ensure all goes well while the patients are permanently connected to observation machines and oxygen. They do this standard after this type of surgery here for elderly patients. It is normal procedure.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Debi's Baby Picture Sundays

I don't often get to participate in this one just because our weekends are really crazy, but I am glad to be able to join today on the theme of Mothers day. Why don't you join in too?
Here's me, my mom and The Little Miss on Mothersday 2007. She was 2 years old and I was about 4 months pregnant with the twins.
My mom is going in to hospital this afternoon for her long awaited knee replacement and will be operated on tomorrow. Your prayers will be much appreciated.
Debi's sundays
Saturday, 16 May 2009
Just a quick hallo!
It is a miserable and cold, cloudy day here, but our hearts sing. Our friend Stefaan is home for the weekend (and his daughter's birth on Monday) after which he will return the rehab hospital later on Monday.
He is making excellent progress and can move all 5 the toes on his foot. Thanks again for your prayers.
If you are new here and want to know what this is about, click my tag "friends" and read back to easter weekend.
He is making excellent progress and can move all 5 the toes on his foot. Thanks again for your prayers.
If you are new here and want to know what this is about, click my tag "friends" and read back to easter weekend.
Friday, 15 May 2009
The secret is out
And in BIG news and much discussed previously by all and sunder this blog is not a secret any more. I have last night showed the blog to Hunter. The opportunity just seemed right. So my dear, if you are reading here, a formal welcome.
It is on daddy's request that I have added The Little Miss' baby picture to the side bar. I just haven't thought about it earlier. Thanks love.
And if you wondered, will I be less open about things, no, I will most certainly not be. My hubby understands me. ;)
It is on daddy's request that I have added The Little Miss' baby picture to the side bar. I just haven't thought about it earlier. Thanks love.
And if you wondered, will I be less open about things, no, I will most certainly not be. My hubby understands me. ;)
blah blah
Friday photo finish fiesta

The best day to visit Carrie is on a Friday, when there are heaps happening over there.
My favorites of my kids from the last month:
My Princess

My Monkey
My Bear
Friday foto finish,
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Thanksgiving Thursday

I love that Thursdays are set aside to play along with Nicole at What a trip :
Today, I am thankful for:
1. The great amount raised in Tuesday's blog party.
2. Sunny warm late autumn days.
3. Great staff that I really appreciate.
4. That my mom will at last be having her knee replacement on Monday. It's been a long time coming!
5. And for my daughter's excellent ;) dress sense - she might even become a famous fashion designer someday (I am letting her dress herself these days as long as it is weather appropriate).
And we have the winners!

The idea was to have each of the kids do one draw. So I wrote the names of the bidders on little bit s of paper - blue for the Zulu love letter, green for the Angel keyring and yellow for the necklaces and bracelets. But I overestimated the 19 month old mind and late afternoon tiredness. So I popped all in a pretty bag, and the first one of each colour that was drawn by The Little Miss are the winners:

Was won by
Which is off course Debi of Who says 8 is enough? who organized this whole event. Debi, I believe this was chosen as a tiny thank you by Our Heavenly Father as it was the very first name to be drawn.

Was won by: (The first green name to be drawn)
Teri of Irish Eyes are smiling. Teri and I are old friends in the blogging world and I am delighted that she won.
These: (the first yellow name to be drawn)

Were won by:
Angela of Stalked by the stork who is brand new to my blog. Great to meet you girl and I am so glad a mom with daughters won this.
Off course, I would have loved everybody to win! If you girls could all email me your address details to so that I can get your tiny little artworks over to you.
And I just realised now that all 3 the winners have big families!
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Tuesday Blog Party - and huge new items!

Thanks to all who have donated for this very good cause. We will do the draw tonight as I had one kid still asleep this morning.
Now for some great news, Debi who has gone to so much trouble to organize this all (thanks again girl), has put up two great items for auction - you have to take a look! Go do your bid for a great getaway, or two.
Way back and wordful Whensday

My mom knits a blanket (we call it the granny-blanky) for all her grandchildren and last Sunday she handed over The Boys'. Below The Little Miss is showing off her brother's. On the left, Little man C's - blocks in turquoise and green and crocheted into a blanket. On the right, Little man L's - knitted in strips with blues and beige and crochet into a blanket with light blue wool.
Little man C and granny ( that is his tired face)
Little man L and gran.
And way back in 2006, The Little Miss ( 16 months old) got hers from granny - purple blocks with a white embroidered flower and white and pink knitted hearts. It is still her comfort blanket when she is sick or cold, tired or upset.

Thanks Grammy!For some more blasts from the past, head over to Cheryl's and play along and if like me, and Angie at 7 Clown circus's Wordful Wednesday you have to "talk" about your photographs, head over there to have a look as well.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
The Grinch that stole Mothers day.
Remember - this is your last day to bid on the auction items above. Come on, make my day, do a bid!

Or that is the only way I can describe it! It certainly was not my fault, or my moms - she is very sore at present, or the kids - they were just being kids. Or Hunter's either - I was fully aware that he was going to be away on the day. I was just hoping for a pretty ordinary night and day with ordinary behaviour. Boy, was I wrong!
I should have known when Saturday night started out badly - the plan was to curl up in front of the TV and watch Prince Caspian, which was showing on one of the TV stations. I was really looking forward to this! It was not to be - The Little Miss had trouble falling asleep - in fact, absolutely exhausted in trying to eat my dinner and getting her to bed, I went to lie down with her. She finally fell asleep at about 9:20 - Prince Caspian was long into the story and my dinner had to be re-heated again. After tidying and doing tomorrows milk sippy cups, I went to bath. From which I was called by Little man C, crying. (This after we have had a whole week with uninterrupted sleep for the household.) To which I returned cold and shivering half an hour later.I ook a quick hot shower to wash the soap off. I decided sleep is the best option.
I ended up sleeping on the bottom half of The Little Miss' bed for most of the night, making frequent trips to the twins' bedroom. She cried so loud that she woke both up at a stage. Good times, good times!
At least we all slept late (7:45 am) and then had a quick breakfast and got ready to go to granny to treat her. The Little Miss was just plain miserable the whole time - turns out she had an allergy to a foot cream of mine and had spots over her feet and hands that was itching and burning.( Obviously also the cause of the sleep trouble) To the chemist to get cortisone cream, to Woollies to buy some ready made food to treat gran ('cause for sure I was not cooking for all), to find out their chicken oven broke. Had to change my plans, but still worked out ok. By now the kids were irritated in the shops and we made gran's house just missing meltdown.
Gave gran her presents, after which she presented me with a surprise Hunter had lined up for me - presents he left there on Thursday night and flowers from her. Sweet man! At least The Little Miss was a bit less clingy and crying but The Boys as so busy they almost drove me off the cliff - additionally I found out why the were crying all night - tummy ache). I managed to get lunch organised, but my mom can hardly walk at present, so I have to basically serve 4 apart from myself. By 1:30 I was exhausted and ready to head home. If I only could get all 3 kids in the car, carry everything on my own to the car. At the last minute, Little Man C had another nappy, and no more left in the bag - found one with the side tab that broke off and stuck onto him with duct tape. I packed up crying, hysterically. I guess I just needed to cry - I do not do that often, just about twice a year, but it is like a cleansing, a purging effect - and I was plain exhausted. And to top it all - camera batteries flat! I have no photos of Mothers day this year! Felt much better after. What did it was the card - oh my gosh, yes, I enjoy irony, but not today, not that specific day.
My loot for Mothers day:

A handmade card and heart cookie made by my princess at school:

The offending card:

It reads:" It's Mothers day mom, so so this is what mom must do - relax, do nothing....

if dad can, mom can too. Happy Mothers day.
Very ironic, taking that I did everything for everybody for the day - but to be honest, dad does pull his weight at home, so ironic in that sense as well.
My favorite Sally Williams nougat . Really great stuff.

And this great and seriously funny book - which I can not wait to read.

And proteas from my dear mom - these will last up to 4 weeks. (South Africa's national flower)

On our way home The Boys fell asleep and both had a good 2 and a half hour nap.The Princess, off course, had no inclination towards a nap, none whatsoever. S0 mom had no nap.
Off course, hubby redeemed himself totally when he arrived at home at 4:30 pm looking stunning in his bush clothes, took the kids and the puppies for a walk (I took a quick nap), helped with dinner, bath and bed and made a stunning steak braai dinner for me. With a glass of good Cape Merlot, my day ended so perfect.
Yes, it was rough, but it was great. I am so thankful for my kiddos and my dear hubby and know that by granting each other the time and space to do what we enjoy, we are keeping the person in tact that we fell in love with. And that is the most important part. There will always be another Mothersday to follow.

Or that is the only way I can describe it! It certainly was not my fault, or my moms - she is very sore at present, or the kids - they were just being kids. Or Hunter's either - I was fully aware that he was going to be away on the day. I was just hoping for a pretty ordinary night and day with ordinary behaviour. Boy, was I wrong!
I should have known when Saturday night started out badly - the plan was to curl up in front of the TV and watch Prince Caspian, which was showing on one of the TV stations. I was really looking forward to this! It was not to be - The Little Miss had trouble falling asleep - in fact, absolutely exhausted in trying to eat my dinner and getting her to bed, I went to lie down with her. She finally fell asleep at about 9:20 - Prince Caspian was long into the story and my dinner had to be re-heated again. After tidying and doing tomorrows milk sippy cups, I went to bath. From which I was called by Little man C, crying. (This after we have had a whole week with uninterrupted sleep for the household.) To which I returned cold and shivering half an hour later.I ook a quick hot shower to wash the soap off. I decided sleep is the best option.
I ended up sleeping on the bottom half of The Little Miss' bed for most of the night, making frequent trips to the twins' bedroom. She cried so loud that she woke both up at a stage. Good times, good times!
At least we all slept late (7:45 am) and then had a quick breakfast and got ready to go to granny to treat her. The Little Miss was just plain miserable the whole time - turns out she had an allergy to a foot cream of mine and had spots over her feet and hands that was itching and burning.( Obviously also the cause of the sleep trouble) To the chemist to get cortisone cream, to Woollies to buy some ready made food to treat gran ('cause for sure I was not cooking for all), to find out their chicken oven broke. Had to change my plans, but still worked out ok. By now the kids were irritated in the shops and we made gran's house just missing meltdown.
Gave gran her presents, after which she presented me with a surprise Hunter had lined up for me - presents he left there on Thursday night and flowers from her. Sweet man! At least The Little Miss was a bit less clingy and crying but The Boys as so busy they almost drove me off the cliff - additionally I found out why the were crying all night - tummy ache). I managed to get lunch organised, but my mom can hardly walk at present, so I have to basically serve 4 apart from myself. By 1:30 I was exhausted and ready to head home. If I only could get all 3 kids in the car, carry everything on my own to the car. At the last minute, Little Man C had another nappy, and no more left in the bag - found one with the side tab that broke off and stuck onto him with duct tape. I packed up crying, hysterically. I guess I just needed to cry - I do not do that often, just about twice a year, but it is like a cleansing, a purging effect - and I was plain exhausted. And to top it all - camera batteries flat! I have no photos of Mothers day this year! Felt much better after. What did it was the card - oh my gosh, yes, I enjoy irony, but not today, not that specific day.
My loot for Mothers day:
A handmade card and heart cookie made by my princess at school:
The offending card:
It reads:" It's Mothers day mom, so so this is what mom must do - relax, do nothing....
if dad can, mom can too. Happy Mothers day.
Very ironic, taking that I did everything for everybody for the day - but to be honest, dad does pull his weight at home, so ironic in that sense as well.
My favorite Sally Williams nougat . Really great stuff.
And this great and seriously funny book - which I can not wait to read.
And proteas from my dear mom - these will last up to 4 weeks. (South Africa's national flower)
On our way home The Boys fell asleep and both had a good 2 and a half hour nap.The Princess, off course, had no inclination towards a nap, none whatsoever. S0 mom had no nap.
Off course, hubby redeemed himself totally when he arrived at home at 4:30 pm looking stunning in his bush clothes, took the kids and the puppies for a walk (I took a quick nap), helped with dinner, bath and bed and made a stunning steak braai dinner for me. With a glass of good Cape Merlot, my day ended so perfect.
Yes, it was rough, but it was great. I am so thankful for my kiddos and my dear hubby and know that by granting each other the time and space to do what we enjoy, we are keeping the person in tact that we fell in love with. And that is the most important part. There will always be another Mothersday to follow.
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