Warning: Serious, but very pretty picture overload!
As most of you have already read, we really had a great weekend. It is so stunning when the cousins just play and play, not a tear in sight. And all the grown ups (including the two grannies) collectively take charge of the kids which means a parent has so much more freedom.
But, as per usual, I will give you the highlights in pictures!

Granny and The Little Miss at Milly's - enjoying trout pancakes on our way to

The beauty of the place - the entrance to the Crofts.

View from the
stoep (patio) of Croft 12.

Croft no 12 - our home for the long weekend.
My other cousin, Johan and his wife and 4 kids came over on Sunday to share the day with us. They live in
Middelburg - an hour's drive away. We took a walk with the kids to the nearest trout dam and we all had a great lunch together.

My princess at the trout dam.

Running at full speed.

The next generation cousins - ranging from 12 years to 20 months.The 3 little monkeys in the front row all differ just one year and had great fun together.

fishies down there?

A rare appearance by yours truly and my little Princess.
Crocs are made for mud!
Her's were the only shoes that were clean and ready to wear again in 10 minutes.

My mom and my aunt -
SIL and friends for years.

The chefs - Jamie and
Nigella were making lunch. The moms got the hint and made hot dogs.

Just thinking and talking....

Later the afternoon some of the grown ups took a long walk.

Just pretty.

Old stone ruins everywhere.
On Monday we took the 3 cousins for a
picnic at the dam. They loved it off course.

The lowest dam - we are convinced that there are fairies living somewhere.

Crossing the "bridge" to get there.

Pretty old tree - just right for a picnic.

A bit of tears after a fall over a tree root on top speed - but all smiles after the picnic treats.

Mareli, Simon and

The 3 cousins - just have to publish another shot of this series - so cute!
Later on
Moday afternoon The Little Miss went horse riding (the cousins were not interested)

The horses' name is Sixpence and she was led by Jonas - a schoolboy doing this as a holiday job.

My little equestrian - like mother like daughter.

We also met some adorable calves.

And went to see how a dairy worked.
On Tuesday we had a late breakfast (after I had a solitary walk) of french toast on the

Gosh, it was hot in the sun!

Last conversations between The Little Miss and cousin

And my little Princess just before leaving.
I will always treasure this break away, the quiet and peace, the healthy mountain air and water and time spent with family.