Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Two for Two-sday - Spring edition

Playing along with Debi as per usual.

Me and my little Princess this morning - officially Spring day here. Our predicted maximum today is 30 degrees Clesius (86 F). Summer already! Here in Pretoria, we do not have a definite Spring or Auntumn in terms of temperature - we basically lurch into Summer or Winter within days, but the changes in terms of flowers, rain, leaves falling etc. indecates the changes of season.

Apart from last year I have never been so glad to see the warmer seasons, off course based on the hope of healthier children.


  1. CUte....nice temps too.

    Over from SITS.

  2. I know what you mean. I am sad to see our warm temperatures go:-(

    Great picture:-)

  3. Yay for spring! Love springtime...great picture!

  4. Funny you should post this. We're getting to fall here. This morning I walked my daughter to the bus stop for the second day of school and we both commented that it got cool all of a sudden and felt like a perfect autumn morning. Enjoy your spring!

  5. Absolutely Beautiful!!! You two look so much alike!

  6. you look fantastic!! And Lil Miss looks so adorable! Yeah for nice weather again. Our summer weather feels very much like fall right now, but I'm sure it'll warm back up just in time for students to return to school next week...

  7. aw, that is such a sweet picture!
    I wish our seasons would hurry up and change! I'm ready for some cooler weather!

  8. Just as suddenly, we in NJ have marched full steam into Autumn. I'm very depressed about it too. It's usually my favorite season, but this has been one of the best summers for me and I'm so sad for it to draw to a close. Enjoy yours!

  9. What a cutie!

    I can't believe how fast your weather changes! WOW!


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