I am just loving Friday fragments- so tempting to be able to just wrap up the week in little tidbits. So here goes:
Conversation in the car this morning:
A: Mommy, why does
Madelein have curly hair?
Me: Because Jesus made her with curly hair.
A: Mommy, why does L have an oval face?
Me: Jesus made him that way. And he is just perfect that way, just as we all are.(Thought I'd throw a bit of self esteem lesson in there)
A bit of silence...
A: Did Jesus read the instructions?
Me: Actually, Jesus does not need instructions, he knows exactly how every new human should look and be.
A: Oh, then He wrote the book!
Clever little one!
Conversation in the car this morning: ( Christmas Father is visiting the school today)
A: Is it Christmas today?
Me: No my Sweetie, - what happens before Christmas?
A: First it's mommy's birthday, then we are going to the sea, and then it is Christmas. (We count these off regularly).
Me: So is it Christmas today?
Noooo. Mommy, you must tell teacher Wendy that she is confused - it is not Christmas today.
Me: Well, you are having a special before Christmas visit with Father Christmas today.
A: Yes, and he is going to ware long sleeved red clothes and be all sweaty.
You can tell we live in the Southern hemisphere if you remember Father Christmas as sweaty. Temperatures are currently around 30 degrees Celsius (86 F)
To all of you that was so impressed with my Christmas shopping being done - keep in mind that we do not have to plan for Halloween or Thanksgiving, so it is much easier. Also, I have a holiday in between now and Christmas far from shops.
And speaking of summer and holidays - I have done THAT shopping! I have actually purchased a swimsuit - a tanktini (my favorite type) and it has underwires and support stuff and all those things that you saw in your mothers swimsuit as a teenager that made you cringe. Yeah, I actually need them with the boobs just short of the bellybutton, the extra 37 weeks preganancy twinskin around the belly and the ever increasing orange peel...ok moving along....
Somebody hacked into our network at the office on Tuesday morning and stole ( because simply, that is what it is) 18 gigs - filling our "cap" for the month. I am currently doing this on my 3G card.
I am having a terrible sinus attack. Yesterday, I did what Hunter normally does when he has this- I went to gym. No worries, I am not Gym Barbie yet, I just spent some time in the steam room and sauna. Wow - it made the world's difference. Is it just me, or why do I
continuously find myself trying to avoid contact with any surface in a steam room ? In my overactive imagination I can just sea the germs crawling ( although you can smell the disinfectant a mile away). The sauna on the other hand - I love! Yeah, you now you know I am slightly weird.

Hosted by
CecilyAnother perfect day dawned last Friday and off we went to Table Mountain, world famous mountain and world heritage site (go check my previous post on Cape town
here if you want to see how it looks from "ground level"). We left little
Madelein with her nanny and set off on our little adventure. The mountain is 1085m
high (0,7 miles) so it gets windy and cold on top. But not for our perfect day!
I though A might be a but scared of the cable cars - they rotate while going up (very high), but not so my adrenaline junkie - she loved it!
She stood right at the open section and laughed all the way.

At the bottom before going up.

Top of the
cable way looking down over signal hill.

Trying to explain the geography. We are here....

Looking down over the city - the big oval is the
Greenpoint stadium - one of the new stadiums being build for the 2010 Soccer world cup. Just to the right of the picture is the V&A waterfront and just to the left
Robben Island.

The little Mermaid on top of the mountain.

On top of the world.....

Looking over towards Camps bay side.

Winell, her godmother.

Muffins and hot drinks after our walk around the mountain.

Any chocolate lovers dream - chocolate muffin and hot chocolate.
After our adventure we had a nice nap and spent some time at home before a dip in the pool.

A "read"
Madelein a story. (Check out the family resemblance around the eyes - their colours are identical hazel)

She made this necklace on her own accord - a hairband and some clips. I thought it was very creative. With a traditional
braai, we said goodbye to a perfect day.