23 April 2010:
It was raining like mad when I got home - by chance he was playing with a MacDonald Avatar toy - giving me just enough light without using my flash.
24 April 2010:
My new Mielie handbag - Hunter does not like it at all - I love it.
25 April 2010:
Cousins at play. (Actually here watching the new Barbie DVD.)
26 April 2010:
Like many other parents after a long weekend of rain and another day at home to come we headed out to Spur on Monday night.
27 April 2010:
Soaking wet. And overgrown.
28 April 2010:
I was busy trying to photograph something else on the stoep and snapped this one - that I really like. I have photographed this string before this year, but the light was so different in the wet weather.
29 April 2010:
Playing in the driveway I took this shot - I love how it literally is only her face that is in focus.
Friday, 30 April 2010
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Shopping for my boys - please help!
It's that time of the year - replacing whole wardrobes of clothes for little people who have outgrown last season's.
For me, shopping for and dressing our resident princess is fun. She loves pretty clothes, I know her taste (mostly) - well, if I stick to pink and girl it will get worn. The funky combinations are all her own work. Last year I noticed that no matter where you buy for the kids, all the shops have their more "budget" lines and more expensive ones - and those budget ones cost the same, whether at Ackermans or Woolworths. The Lil Miss is also very tall for her age, but skinny - the Woollies pants fit so much better than the others. And Woollies really is great with their "great value buy" lines - the girls R35 T shirts and R39 corduroy pants are all beautiful. The R45 polar fleeces are just as beautiful. Great patterns and very cute. Not so the boys. No, not so at all. And my boys are my more difficult customers. What I hear you say?
Well, some of it is due to the the twin thing. The rest is purely the lack of imagination or design by clothing retailers or their designers. When I found out I was pregnant with twin boys, one of my thoughts was about dressing - alike, or not? I settled on "similar, but not same" as a preference. Of course, they got many identical outfits for presents as people really do not know how else to do it. So I did dress them the same from time to time, until I read Joan Friedman's book "Raising emotionally healthy twins" (I really recommend this to parents with twins) After that I decided never to dress them the same and started giving them the choice of two same T shirts - they never chose the same, even at the tender age of a year and a bit. Never! But they do like to choose similar - for instance, if one chooses a Scooby Doo T shirt, the other asks for his too. So I now try to buy everything similar but not the same - which is really difficult. Sometimes I just buy different, as I have no choice. And last week I bought same - as in PJ's ,as really, the stock was limited. But they do not like to wear the same pair at night, so we swap them around.
This of course, even limits the already limited stock to buy from. Because now I have to find two colours/types of say, a dinosaur T shirts. Last week I found one Scooby doo long sleeved T and one Jungle beat one. My word, Little man C totally lost it when his brother got the Scooby doo and he the Jungle beat. My luck was in as Little Man L immediately liked the Monkey on the Jungle Beat T , but I was just lucky. It could have turned sour. As it has in the past.
I also complicate it even more for myself, because let's face it, apart from the very limited cute clothing, it is only really character shirts left. I do not "do" Ben 10 - I watched one episode and really, it seems very violent. (I also didn't "do" Bratz - too tarty for my taste). Then I am totally uninformed about Bakugan - what is it? My boys are also just into the little boys stuff - you know, Scooby doo, Cars, etc. I's ok with the old Marvel Superheroes - I mean, I know them. But why is the choice so limited? What has happened with dinosaurs in general? My boys love any form of dinosaurs. Look at the girls (apart from the beautiful non character stuff) - there is Barbie in a miriad of formats, Hello Kitty, Tinkerbell, Hannah Montanna, High school musical, Disney princesses. All beautiful and acceptable. And remember - I have to find tow DIFFERENT spiderman shirts in the same size at the same time. I really also can not spend R180 on a Keedo designer T shirt for two boys. So, moms of boys (I am calling on you - this is serious) - please help! How do I shop for my boys?
For me, shopping for and dressing our resident princess is fun. She loves pretty clothes, I know her taste (mostly) - well, if I stick to pink and girl it will get worn. The funky combinations are all her own work. Last year I noticed that no matter where you buy for the kids, all the shops have their more "budget" lines and more expensive ones - and those budget ones cost the same, whether at Ackermans or Woolworths. The Lil Miss is also very tall for her age, but skinny - the Woollies pants fit so much better than the others. And Woollies really is great with their "great value buy" lines - the girls R35 T shirts and R39 corduroy pants are all beautiful. The R45 polar fleeces are just as beautiful. Great patterns and very cute. Not so the boys. No, not so at all. And my boys are my more difficult customers. What I hear you say?
Well, some of it is due to the the twin thing. The rest is purely the lack of imagination or design by clothing retailers or their designers. When I found out I was pregnant with twin boys, one of my thoughts was about dressing - alike, or not? I settled on "similar, but not same" as a preference. Of course, they got many identical outfits for presents as people really do not know how else to do it. So I did dress them the same from time to time, until I read Joan Friedman's book "Raising emotionally healthy twins" (I really recommend this to parents with twins) After that I decided never to dress them the same and started giving them the choice of two same T shirts - they never chose the same, even at the tender age of a year and a bit. Never! But they do like to choose similar - for instance, if one chooses a Scooby Doo T shirt, the other asks for his too. So I now try to buy everything similar but not the same - which is really difficult. Sometimes I just buy different, as I have no choice. And last week I bought same - as in PJ's ,as really, the stock was limited. But they do not like to wear the same pair at night, so we swap them around.
This of course, even limits the already limited stock to buy from. Because now I have to find two colours/types of say, a dinosaur T shirts. Last week I found one Scooby doo long sleeved T and one Jungle beat one. My word, Little man C totally lost it when his brother got the Scooby doo and he the Jungle beat. My luck was in as Little Man L immediately liked the Monkey on the Jungle Beat T , but I was just lucky. It could have turned sour. As it has in the past.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Freedom day.
Well, I wanted to write something profound on Freedom day and how I feel about it, but then I read Supermom's post, and well, she said it all. Just what I feel.
We had a day at home, quiet and very rainy. Amazingly no kid completely went cabin crazy. I didn't go crazy! We painted a bit, decorated Marie biscuits with icing and ate them and at least had an hour on the bikes in the driveway - the rest of the garden was way too wet. We had a great 2 hour nap and i managed through it all to at least tidy the puzzles a bit and sort them out. I swear just keeping the toys together and sorted can be a full time job.
Hunter was a busy boy while I minded the kids - he cleaned and defrosted the second fridge in the garage and did quite a bit of tidying there too.
So that was Freedom day in a nutshell- now I am sitting with my glass of Yonder Hill Merlot (our "house wine" at present) waiting for him to braai a lekker steak. Cheers!
We had a day at home, quiet and very rainy. Amazingly no kid completely went cabin crazy. I didn't go crazy! We painted a bit, decorated Marie biscuits with icing and ate them and at least had an hour on the bikes in the driveway - the rest of the garden was way too wet. We had a great 2 hour nap and i managed through it all to at least tidy the puzzles a bit and sort them out. I swear just keeping the toys together and sorted can be a full time job.
Hunter was a busy boy while I minded the kids - he cleaned and defrosted the second fridge in the garage and did quite a bit of tidying there too.
So that was Freedom day in a nutshell- now I am sitting with my glass of Yonder Hill Merlot (our "house wine" at present) waiting for him to braai a lekker steak. Cheers!
Monday, 26 April 2010
On friendship. 20 years on.
Friendship is a complex and wonderful concept. It always amazes me how some can survive across continents and time zones and others just dwindle whilst living just around the corner. In February my best friend from school found me on Facebook - it has been 20 years since we have seen each other (and had a fight about the man she was about to marry and is still married to after all these years). We can write off the fight to my preconceptions and own unpreparedness to make any commitment at that age. She was just way more there than me - I was on my own little planet somewhere out in space called Independence. We briefly met each other for coffee with our two daughters at the end of February. It went well and we connected again, but we basically just scratched the surface. On Saturday we met for lunch and the years just peeled away. It was wonderful to see her again and we really talked - about more than just who is where etc. When next we looked at a watch almost 3 hours were gone and we had to leave. It was great, just great.
And my awesome hubby gave me a "mommy's day off" on Saturday - I went to the hairdersser, did some shopping and met my friend. He watched the boys, made sure The Lil Miss got home in time from a friend's the morning and took all 3 to a party in Jo'burg the afternoon. He rocks and I had a really great day. And that really makes my Monday!
And my awesome hubby gave me a "mommy's day off" on Saturday - I went to the hairdersser, did some shopping and met my friend. He watched the boys, made sure The Lil Miss got home in time from a friend's the morning and took all 3 to a party in Jo'burg the afternoon. He rocks and I had a really great day. And that really makes my Monday!
Friday, 23 April 2010
Friday - 23 April 2010
What! It's Friday evening and no Friday post yet! In general I do my posts at night at home and just publish them at work. Last night I was dog tired and today was hectic at work, so...
16 April 2010:
Taken from the window at the airport while delayed for hours.
17 April 2010:
Two hearts in the garden at the wedding - I love how you can see the bark. Do go and have a look at the rest of my pictures from the wedding.
18 April 2010:
We came in to land through the storm and while walking to the car, I saw the airport hotel - check out the blue skies in the reflective windows and the dark storm behind.
19 April 2010:
Monday afternoon - thunderstorm. He was so scared, he really held him tight. I love the spontaneity of the moment.
20 April 2010:
Another afternoon of rain and just after 5:30 the sun came out.
21 April 2010:
Career day at school - the Lil Miss as a veterinary surgeon, her career of choice at present. Teacher Kirsty as a fireman (person?).The autumn sunshine lights the scene.
22 April 2010:
Bike joy in the driveway - he was literally going :"Wheeeeee"
16 April 2010:
Taken from the window at the airport while delayed for hours.
17 April 2010:
Two hearts in the garden at the wedding - I love how you can see the bark. Do go and have a look at the rest of my pictures from the wedding.
18 April 2010:
We came in to land through the storm and while walking to the car, I saw the airport hotel - check out the blue skies in the reflective windows and the dark storm behind.
19 April 2010:
Monday afternoon - thunderstorm. He was so scared, he really held him tight. I love the spontaneity of the moment.
20 April 2010:
Another afternoon of rain and just after 5:30 the sun came out.
21 April 2010:
Career day at school - the Lil Miss as a veterinary surgeon, her career of choice at present. Teacher Kirsty as a fireman (person?).The autumn sunshine lights the scene.
22 April 2010:
Bike joy in the driveway - he was literally going :"Wheeeeee"
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Dance me to the end of time.
Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone
Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on
Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long
We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the children who are asking to be born
Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn
Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove
Dance me to the end of love
Leonard Cohen ( go see the great video on my link below and you will understand even more of what I am trying to say)
Hunter is a dancer - and a good one - he used to ballroom. He is also an excellent leader, not only as a dancer, but as a person in general. Me, on the other hand, being the 80's girl never learned to dance "properly". I sort of just shuffled my way through it where really required. I am also the most terrible control freak - yes, I admit it and I am trying hard to change it. Very hard. So for the last 12 years, we have been trying to dance together when the opportunity presented itself. Sometimes I have been really terrible and sometimes just ok. I would love to take ballroom lessons together - some day.
On Saturday night, life changed for us. We danced! We danced together and something just clicked. It just all came together. We had a great great time. Maybe it is because I had great dancing shoes on, maybe it is because I was relaxed amongst friends, or maybe I just learned to follow. Follow with my feet and I would like to think, with my heart and head too.
I am constantly amazed at how we keep growing together as a couple. At how our love seem to grow and grow after almost 10 year of marriage. How Hunter keeps looking at me with loving eyes and how my heart still leaps to my throat when I see him coming in at the door last night. And how I just might have learned how to set the control issues aside and work towards shared control and maybe, quite old fashionably following the leader, in this dance of life.
My love, dance me to the end of time.
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone
Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on
Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long
We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the children who are asking to be born
Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn
Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove
Dance me to the end of love
Leonard Cohen ( go see the great video on my link below and you will understand even more of what I am trying to say)
Hunter is a dancer - and a good one - he used to ballroom. He is also an excellent leader, not only as a dancer, but as a person in general. Me, on the other hand, being the 80's girl never learned to dance "properly". I sort of just shuffled my way through it where really required. I am also the most terrible control freak - yes, I admit it and I am trying hard to change it. Very hard. So for the last 12 years, we have been trying to dance together when the opportunity presented itself. Sometimes I have been really terrible and sometimes just ok. I would love to take ballroom lessons together - some day.
On Saturday night, life changed for us. We danced! We danced together and something just clicked. It just all came together. We had a great great time. Maybe it is because I had great dancing shoes on, maybe it is because I was relaxed amongst friends, or maybe I just learned to follow. Follow with my feet and I would like to think, with my heart and head too.
I am constantly amazed at how we keep growing together as a couple. At how our love seem to grow and grow after almost 10 year of marriage. How Hunter keeps looking at me with loving eyes and how my heart still leaps to my throat when I see him coming in at the door last night. And how I just might have learned how to set the control issues aside and work towards shared control and maybe, quite old fashionably following the leader, in this dance of life.
My love, dance me to the end of time.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Wordful wednesday - a stylish wedding
This weekend we attended the wedding of Hunters friend of 33 years in Port Elizabeth. It was without a doubt the most stylish wedding I have ever attended - everything was perfect. From the stunningly elegant dress to the sublime wedding venue to the perfect flowers and exquisite plated and served dinner, including fillet, prawns and Camembert. We also had a huge party and danced the night away.
As always on a Wednesday, being wordful with Angie.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
A very special blogging Two for Tuesday.
The best thing about blogging is the wonderful people we meet. The friends we make who in a sense in this hectic life becomes such close friends. They read our thoughts and witness our lives. They provide the ears to listen to our troubles and the kind words when we need them most.
On Sunday morning I had the huge privilege to meet Lynette from "A work in progress". What a lady! It was food for the soul meeting this girl.
Lynette, thanks for making the time in a very busy weekend to meet me. I really appreciate it. I appreciate your kind words, your prayers and your advice. As the theme song from Golden girls used to go:
Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant.
Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant.

Monday, 19 April 2010
A weekend to remember
We had a bumper weekend and all went really well at home with my mom, cousins and the kids. I can really not be more grateful for their help. So what did we do?
On Friday we really just go to know the after check-in and security part of OR Tambo's domestic departures. But the in-laws had the leg of lamb and tripe (not for me!) ready and we had a gastronomic feast and went to bed really late.
On Saturday we squeezed in a lot:
Hunter, the groom and the two best men went for a very early morning swim at Sardinia bay. I slept in.
On his return we had a great breakfast.
Then we visited the beach towards the more "tame" beach side of Port Elizabeth as my FIL was not feeling well and up to hiking over a sand dune. When we parked there we saw the Survivor South Africa finalists and Ockert (for sure - could only be him - see picture) abseiling from a tall building on the beach front.
On Friday we really just go to know the after check-in and security part of OR Tambo's domestic departures. But the in-laws had the leg of lamb and tripe (not for me!) ready and we had a gastronomic feast and went to bed really late.
On Saturday we squeezed in a lot:
Hunter, the groom and the two best men went for a very early morning swim at Sardinia bay. I slept in.
On his return we had a great breakfast.
Then we visited the beach towards the more "tame" beach side of Port Elizabeth as my FIL was not feeling well and up to hiking over a sand dune. When we parked there we saw the Survivor South Africa finalists and Ockert (for sure - could only be him - see picture) abseiling from a tall building on the beach front.
We also saw a beautiful Gold Wing parked and I snapped a few pictures.
I snapped this great one of Hunter and his parents on the boardwalk.
The beach itself was beautiful.
We saw this huge jellyfish on the beach.
Then we swang by the new 2010soccer stadium - without a doubt South Africa's most beautiful one. (also known in PE as the pumpkin)
Then we had a brief visit with Hunter's grandfather (89 years old) and grandmother. They really grew so old the last year.
And then we went to the wedding - watch out for Wordful Wednesday about that.
On Sunday morning I had breakfast with a very special lady after which we popped back home to be hugged to death by the kids. It was a good one.
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