Wednesday, 11 August 2010


  • I am not going to get around to posting the photo post I had lined up
  • I spent 2 hours in the car and 5 and a half hours on site.
  • I am feeling extremely cold from those hours in the freezing wind and cold container office on site.
  • I am completely and utterly exhausted
  • I am nursing the cold I got from the kids
  • I am still worried about little man C's caugh
  • I am slightly light headed and all wobbly
  • I am going to buy KFC for dinner
  • I am very stressed
  • I am anxious about the work to be done before Friday 
  • I am not going to work tonight - I can tell I am going to need a very early night in bed
  • I am possibly going to read the book I "won" in the book club lotto last night.
  • I am hoping the kids will sleep through again - last night was the first night in 5 nights they did.


  1. Ooooo...I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Oh dear, you do have a LOT on your plate right now Cat. I hope you get to sleep well and that you find 30mins to delve into your book. :-)

  3. So sorry for the rough day!! Hope you get some much needed rest tonight and everyone feels better!!

  4. Sorry for your bad day. I hope that you get the rest you so need.

  5. You sound like you need a big bowl of chicken noodle soup and a night under the blankets in front of a fire. Take care of yourself and get as much rest as you can. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Oh sorry you are feeling icky. Hopefully a good nights rest will make a world of difference (for you and the kids)and tomorrow will be a better day. :)

  7. The weather services say that the weather is going to get better from today onwards. So the coldness on site might get better

  8. Sorry to hear you are having a hectic week and I hope you have a relaxing weekend planning to help you recuperate!

  9. Believe me - those days go by - even we think they don`t . But I love your list and I am going to do a kind of this list on my blog on a regluar basis (if you don't mind) - maybe its a good idea for monday - LOL

  10. Go ahead Kerstin! I won't mind at all.

  11. Go ahead Kerstin! I won't mind at all.

  12. mmmmmmm... that is the second time I have heard the words "KFC" and now I officially want some :)

  13. Hope you're back to tip top shape now!!


So what's on your mind?