Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Fourth term silly season

Yes, it's that time of the year. Where you actually do not know how to turn around and get everywhere to attend to all the things that need attending to. This year we add exams to the mix. I had to nod my head and give my two cents of advice this morning when Robyn posted on Facebook that she has two events for two kids at the same time and no idea how to get to both. Last night A made a decision to drop one non essential item this Saturday and rather go horse riding. Usually I would have tried to manage both - my hubby as per usual was the voice of sanity that made the suggestion. Somehow this year my stress levels are not out of range (as yet) and I hope to keep it that way. I seem to just feel more calm about things. In fact - I promptly passed on a task for an end of year function this Friday on to another mom where usually I would have just done it. So I will arrive on Friday night with our troupes' table beautifully done by another mom without thinking about how I would have done it. I would like to think that just maybe I am learning to let things go a bit.

So through this all with a smile and sanity in tact, over the weekend we did the following:

Had a birthday party for the boys (a month late but a great one) at Bounce Inc. But more about the party and related things later.

On Friday afternoon A swam a gala for the school. I still get excited every time she is asked because we have such an over supply in great swimmers in her age. Her swimming has improved so much. We are extremely proud of her. It was a great moment to see her start her leg of a relay with their team in third place (the first swimmer had a bad start) and see her gaining ground for her team. Eventually they came second in the breast stroke relay race as each swimmer following steadily gained meters. They were ecstatic to win the freestyle relay.
 We watched the semifinal of the World cup rugby after their party and felt sad for the Springboks that played so well.

We build LEGO because what is a birthday without LEGO and it worked out so well - both boys got one set of LEGO and money. They are planning to buy tablets like theirs sisters'. They both seem to love the Creator series.
L made this dragon - the same set can also make two other animals if you break down the dragon

C made this parrot - also with two alternatives to try later.
 We assembled a project about the sea shells of Southern Africa - a collectors project for a badge for the Voortrekkers for A. It was so easy as she has been collecting shells all her life and they were mostly cleaned before. She also did most of the sorting and planning in the July holidays and we just had to add her latest finds from the October holidays. Tonight she will add the printed captions to the shells and tomorrow present it.

 We dropped by the Hasbo My Little Pony and Nerf guns event in Menlyn park . A enjoyed all the ponies - you are never too old for My Little Pony. They had all the prettiest and newest ponies there. But the guns were the real hit with all 3 of them. In fact Sunday afternoon saw some grown ups playing with a Nerf gun. Not mentioning any names here. They are truly amazing guns and seem sturdy and well designed.
 And yesterday A had her grade 4 solo performance RAD ballet exam. I have never seen her so calm and happy before and exam. I guess they learn to handle stress as we go along. To think that for this one they danced on their own in stead of with a group this is quite amazing.

So how is silly season treating you this year?

( Disclaimer - we were invited as VIP guests to the Hasbo event and received a great goodie bag. Those guns are however amazing toys.)


  1. I have one child of two years old!!! how am I feeling this fourth term silly season so fiercely! honestly have had to just drop events recently because you know what, I wont die without it :)
    ...looking forward to birthday post

  2. So glad they had a nice birthday!

    I have remarkably very little on our calendar. But I do have very full Saturdays, two weeks in a row.

  3. Learning to let go is such an important thing. I used to try and say yes and do everything as well and as the kids got older I realized that I don't HAVE to do it all. Other parents may actually have more time (especially SAHM or mom's with less than my three hehe) It helps a lot.

  4. Sometimes it is so hard to sit back and let someone else do it. I know I also have that twitch that makes me want to raise my hand :-)
    Liam has the same Lego dragon. I love Lego. It makes the kids fingers so nimble.
    Beautiful shells. It's hard to find a complete sea urchin shell
    What a good update on all the kids :-)

    1. All of our urchins comes from PE ! Most found at Schoenies but I have to admit that some she found by snorkeling in the big rock pools there and not just lying on the beach

  5. Silly season getting on our nerves here!
    Love the shells project!!

  6. No silly season here thankfully.


So what's on your mind?