Friday, 12 August 2016

Five for Friday edition 16

All the public holidays have done nothing but increase my workload in the days available so I have sadly not posted for a whole week.

1. Our long weekend was filled with sick kids and later on a sick me (all just a cold but unpleasant enough to boycott any fun events). But we are all better and am looking forward to a happier weekend. Pretoria is really doing that early Spring thing at the moment although we know we are still in for a good few cold fronts.

2. I attended the #Jozimeetup on Saturday and it was just a great one. Great to see some old friends in the computer and great to make some new ones. The goodie bag was great and although every single item is much appreciated the Palladio blusher/bronzer is my absolute favorite and will be a staple in my make up bag from now on.

3. I have had the best service from Totem bags - there has been a stock shortage for a while at the retail outlets so I phoned them directly. They informed me when they received the stock, I placed the order on the website last Friday and despite the public holidays we had C's new school bag on Wednesday. Yes, their bags may cost a bit more than others but they are well designed, safe for backs , approved by medical practitioners and very sturdy. A's bag is almost 3 years old and you can hardly spot any wear and tear on it and it gets washed 4 times a year! They also come with a 3 year guarantee. (I was in no way approached by them for a mention nor received anything from Totem - this post is for the interest of all reading here - my form of "Public service")

4. The magic of zinc! A started having the typical little spots the pre teens get. I chatted to our pharmacist who suggested adding zinc supplements and brewers yeast. And guess what - a fantastic improvement in just two months! Our au pair has given it a try as well and also had a big improvement on spots. 

5. Some times this little blog gives me huge surprises. My Afrikaans book reviews post was just 24 hours old when I looked at the stats - quite possibly my 3rd best performing post ever in such a short time. So it's true - there is without a doubt a need for it.

With this I hope you have a wonderful and warm weekend!



  1. Glad your family is in better health, Cat. I wish I could get q totem bag as it sounds perfect! Unfortunately our school does not allow any brand names on their school bags.
    Well done on your increased blog stats! Amazing how what a boost that can be for your motivation to write! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Totem does have plain black or blue bags

    2. And they actually supply school branded bags to a few schools

  2. Glad you are all feeling better. It was lovely to see you on Saturday. Talking about I'm yet to open the goodie bag. That's how busy I've been

    And yes the public holidays especially this last one messed up my whole week it was too early in the week :)

    Yay for good service. I like a good deal but I would pay for quality and good service any day

  3. I agree, that the Palladio blusher/bronzer we got is amazing. Was great to meet you. Have a wonderful weekend.


  4. Do you guys have LL Bean? It's a brand our family has used for decades. (Wow...that sounds OLD!) ;) I used one backpack all through college, and now the girls have LL Bean backpacks. They're not inexpensive, but they're fantastic. Those you bought look really nice, too. I'll have to look that brand up.

    We're seeing no signs of fall's HOT!!! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. We actually don't I think- but the Totem ones are great

  5. So good to have you at the meetup. And good for you that your post is doing so well.

  6. Good to know that everyone is feeling better.

  7. Sorry that I missed the meet up. I must tell my daughter to try zinc, she struggles with her skin

  8. We are not allowed to have branded backpacks, we use the school branded one, which is this bulky thing that is about a third of the size of the little kids. Glad to hear your family is feeling healthy again. I must agree the Pretoria moving into warmer weather is great. We did our first proper picnic for the warm season this past weekend.

    1. We have school brand ones for the Primary phase (grade 1-3) but the big kids has such heavy bags that they leave that to our choice

  9. I was so sad to miss the meet up this time around - but we too were in the deep clutches of sickness and I ended up having to cancel going to Marce's lunch as well!

    Glad you are all on the mend and back to good health.



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