Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Two for Two-sday

I suddenly at a stage realized last Saturday that yes, we match! I let The Boys choose between two options of clothes every morning and you will not guess - over two weeks now and only once have they chosen the same T shirt! So I guess it is time to stop dressing them the same. Now they can dress with mom ;0

Head over to Deanna's for some more two-somes.


  1. Aha! Another two for two. I don't think I'd let my kids dress me as I'd be stuck in blue jeans and a white t-shirt forever. I do like to ring the changes occasionally.

  2. Oh and in responce to your Gray comment, I don't watch that show. In fact, i can't watch any medical drama's too fake!

  3. He just wanted to match his mommy! Sarah likes to choose her clothes often (she's VERY opinionated about it!) and several times has chosen a shirt that matches the color I'm wearing. If I let Jacob pick...he just pics the shirt with his favorite characters (i.e. Mickey Mouse or Tigger, etc) :-)
    Love seeing pics of you with the kids!

  4. But it is so cute when their cloths match.

  5. I love it when my kids and I match:-) Cute picture!

  6. Awwww, how cute! I just love his little glasses :)

  7. Aww.. What a sweet pic of you and your boy!

  8. My husband often accuses me of dressing the kids like me, but it's always unintentional! And funnily enough, he's done it himself on a number of the few occasions he has dressed them.


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