Thursday, 11 March 2010


 Photo by Beeld newspaper.

So this bit of chaos happened just about 1km from our home yesterday afternoon and the smoke and chemical smells was so thick that by 1:30 am you could still smell it. A truck carrying steel and insect killer aerosols hit another truck and 2 cars and exploded. This morning, the highway is still closed but the bridge has re-opened.

Our quiet little neighbourhood was all of a sudden very busy as the traffic authorities relayed traffic through the area. This morning we have sore throats, sore chests and blocked noses. The kids seem to take it a bit better than the adults ( I closed their windows). I really hope we all feel better by this afternoon.


  1. Hope the throats and chests are better soon! (Glad the kids weren't really affected by the smoke)

  2. Hells bells! I didn't realise what the truck was carrying!
    Hope the effects wear off soon. That's really not good

  3. Heard about this but wow - how awful to have those smells in the air and polluting your little neighbourhood.


    Just keep an eye on your kidlets chest i would imagine?

  4. Oh CAT!!! This is crazy news...I really hate to hear this. I would be so worried for the little ones. I will pray that no harm come of this to your family and that they will all feel better soon!!!

  5. That is awful. Last week my son took some spectacular pics of the traffic police barricading the highway....they were on strike. Random...very random!

  6. Oh! my life I hope you all feel better soon, soon! What an awful accident!

  7. When ever that happens we say a prayer for the folks whose lives just changed! So SAD!!!

  8. We must live so close to each other :)

    I sat in traffic for 3 hours today cos of this!

  9. Oh my goodness!! That's a bit (okay, a LOT) scary! I hope you're all feeling better soon. Yikes!

  10. How scary! Hopefully you all feel better soon and things return to normal!

  11. Oh my goodness how scary! I hope your symptoms clear up soon!

  12. Oh my gosh, Cat! That must have been SOOOO scary! Hope all are feeling MUCH better now!


  13. We had something very similar to that happen here a few years ago. A diesel trucker had a heart attack and the semi went off a bridge and exploded. It took out 2 bridges and a good stretch of the highway. Amazingly, it happened about 5:30am so there was not much traffic and no one else was involved in the crash but the bridge was out for months. (I used to drive that way to work but thankfully the backroads weren't too bad to detour).

    Hope the ill effects don't last long for you...

  14. OMGOSH! How horrific! What an awful accident! :(


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