Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Today, I cried...

huge big fat crocodile tears, here in the office - I never do that! In the post came a beautiful hand made card, totally in a class all of its own. And in it, a beautiful book mark of a gold plated eucalyptus leaf.From my BFF in Oz. You see, it's birthday time for me soon, and this year will be the first in many that the two of us have not somehow got together on or close to the day - mostly on my "birthday day-off" I grant myself every year. I am feeling a bit at loss as to what to do with my day this year - yes, I will go to the hairdresser, and possibly for a facial.But I know I am going to miss her warm voice, her big hug and her conversation - one that never seem to cover everything we had to say. Somehow the time was never enough. Somehow only know, we realize how much more time we should have spent together. I miss you my friend.


  1. Rough Cat, I feel for you. Friends like that are irreplaceable and although skype, fb and email make it manageable it is just NOT THE SAME. Much love to you.

  2. I know the feeling all to well. My BFF moved overseas a few years ago and I still miss our time together.
    BIG ((Hugs))

  3. What a wonderful surprise from your friend and big big hugs to you, for not being able to be near each other.

  4. What a lovely surprise to receive in the mail, but i totally get how you feel. I still feel like that, 8 years after leaving my BFF forever. It's horrid.


  5. Good friends are hard to come by and precious...I can understand how you feel.

  6. aaawww, how lovely of your friend and still, how sad that you're apart.

    Can you organise a lovely SKype chat on Sunday morning???

    Hearing and seeing her might be just what you need, and then some pampering of course.

  7. Big Hug from me too, something we all have to deal with when we move to the other side of the world. Never easy
    Rina ... www.pastandpresentstories.blogspot.com

  8. It is sad to be as far apart as you are now. I have also "lost" some friends due to distance...

  9. *hugs* So sorry you won't have the chance to connect with your BFF this year. How special though for her to be one of the first to treat you to something special for your birthday!

  10. Sounds like you two share a very special friendship!!

  11. :-( so sorry my love. sending huuuuuuuuge tight hugs your way

  12. Having your best friend so far away is absolutely horrible! I hope you still have a very special birthday.

  13. Arrgghh...I hate having close family and friends far away. It makes me mad and sad at the same time...



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