Thursday, 3 November 2011

In very short bullets....

  • I wrote a really great post and Blogger ate it. I have the text elsewhere, but there was lots of links and pictures in it. Ugh - another day.
  • I am on a course tomorrow and, yes, wait for it, Saturday from 8am to 4pm on hoe to design Green Buildings For work. I can not believe I agreed to miss a weekend day for work but really, it is about new legislation and if I did not do it now it would just have been in December or January.
  • I discovered that my local gym has a lunchtime pilates class on a Thursday - I went, I nearly died (it was abs day - not my best). My whole upper body is one burning mess as I am sitting here. I am going to be very sore tomorrow. I will do my utmost to be there again next week though.
  • My trusty Thermofan oven broken - not only the element, also the fan. Eish, unexpected rather large cost. And this weekends without my oven.
  • I need to decide what to make for bookclub meal on Tuesday. Am leaning towards asking Hunter to make curry and to make an extra non curry chicken dish for those who do not eat curry. It will certainly be a great change from the usual. And last time I asked all those present (9 /11) was enthusiastic about strong food.
And with that, I am off to fetch the kidlets and fish and chips for dinner.


  1. Ugh - why does blogger do that! Irritates the you know what out of me!

    Well done on going to Pilates - sore or not you'll begin to feel the effects soon enough.

    Pehraps easier to buy a new oven? good luck ith that. xxx

  2. Ugh...that is a lot. Sometimes I wish I could join a pilates class but at the moment it works for me to just exercise at home when I get up. Good luck with all your hard work, I hate this time of the year.

  3. I think you're awesome for doing this workshop - you know the green thing is one of my passions :)

    But yes, nothing is great at this time of year.

    I had 7 things on my November goals list - I actually forgot 2 other things. So full!

  4. Hate it when Blogger acts up... I have been having more problems than usual with it as well! Struggling to comment & posting my scheduled posts immediately!
    Good for you going to he Pilates class!

  5. The curry sounds like a great idea. Enjoy pilates :)

  6. Curries are almost always a hit with everyone I know :) Which books did you decide to buy in the end?

  7. Sorry to hear that you need to go to a course tomorrow but like you say, rather now than in December.
    Glad you went to the gym - great. Hope the abs is not too sore.
    Enjoy the weekend

  8. Sorry about the oven - I understand the feeling! Mine was broken for months and it was horrid!

    OOOHHH I love a good curry - so do that!!

  9. LOVE a good curry. We are currently without a washing machine, microwave AND TV, though my sister has now given me her microwave. Amazing how much we depend on our appliances. Am shopping for a new washing machine but it is a huge cost that is totally not in the budget. Woe is me.


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