Thursday, 2 May 2013

Good one Mr Murphy!

Ah you know, some days....

So last night when the boys went to sleep Mr L started crying, and then showing Hunter that his right ear was sore. He has a cold the last 2 weeks and he loves to have his head under water in the bath and when he swims (which is still at least weekly). So we added some Swimmers ear to dry it out and gave him something for pain and fever. The night was restless to say the least, Hunter took the biggest brunt of it with the little man. Adding to it all is that the whole area's power went off at about 10 pm and was not on when we had to get up and going this morning.

Where Mr Murphy stepped in really well though was that Nanny L had a pre scheduled appointment at the clinic this morning - arranged months ago. So I had no choice but to bring Mr L with me to work and then take him to the doctor. Turns out he has a very bad ear infection in his right ear and has already spread to the left- she was astounded (as most doctors usually are with him) with his very high pain threshold - the ear drum is on the edge of bursting!

As it turns out the doctor never arrived for Nanny L's appointment ( I promise) - she was furious, I am incredibly calm because, guess what, the child I thought I would never be able to handle at work is doing so well. Maybe the fact that he is sick helps - but he is just the sweetest thing. Friendly, charming, good manners and playing iPad or colouring away on his blanket. At the moment he is lying down - maybe a nap? I am totally sticking my tongue out for you Mr Murphy - oops,. should not say that.

BTW we had a lovely day yesterday - the weather was beautiful for an outdoors Labour day.


  1. Oy, poor Mr L!
    I hope he's better soon!

    We had a rough one last night, too. Our Jack was up all night coughing and with a fever and complaints of a sore *leg*...?

    Anyway, I've kept him home today, too. At least I work from home, so I can do that without getting the evil eye from the boss!

  2. I remember going to work with my mom when I was sick. It was awesome! Hope he feels better soon!

  3. Ear infection is the worst! Hope the meds kick in quickly.

  4. I hope Mr L is feeling better soon!

  5. Poor little guy - hope he's right as rain real soon. My older boy also has a high pain threshhold.
    Hugs for y'all

  6. Poor baby! I hope he's better soon! And at least things worked out well enough with the change in usual scheduling. Take that, Mr. Murphy! ;)

  7. Poor little sweetness! Hope he feels better soon!

  8. Well done for kicking Mr Murphy - he needs to be put in his place every now and then.

    Hope Mr L feels better very soon.

  9. Hope he feels better soon


  10. Ear infection is a horror. I hope little L is better.

  11. Ouch! Ear aches are the worst! Shame man, I ope he feels better soon and that you all get a good night's rest.

  12. Swimmers ear is so not cool. I get that from time to time too and it hurts like crazy

  13. Am also dealing with a sick Joel at the moment. He's sleeping next to me while I catch up on blogs and commenting.


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