Tuesday, 21 June 2011

The glue that binds.

All families have this - something that just keeps the family together. That makes it all work. In our family it is homour - laughing and having fun. When the times get tough, the tough goes laughing. Mostly instigated by Hunter who is brilliant at relieving the most tense situation with tickles and teasing.

This is just one of the things that makes him the father he is - I can name so many. But through the many sleep deprived, survival reduced times of our lives, he has been the rock that I rely on. A father every child would like to have.  Fun, fair and dedicated to us as a family.

A late, but heartfelt "Happy Fathers day" to my sweet Hunter. We all love you to  the moon and back.

I love how the kid's schools, although they were all sick and could never complete their little projects in time, completed it for them so that they had something special for dad.
From the Princess - with a poem and drawing

From the Boys.


  1. Hunter sounds like a fun dad to have :)

  2. Hunter sounds like a fun dad to have :)

  3. what a beautiful tribute to a wonderful man. Love the photo of your family!

  4. Happy belated Father's Day to your DH!

  5. Awesome post. Your kids are very, very blessed and so lucky to have him as their Dad.x

  6. Cute trophies!  Beautiful photo of daddy and the kids.

  7. Love those gifts....so so so cute!

  8. It is a real man that is good plugged-in father! Sounds like you have a real man:-) And those gifts are too cute!!!

  9. I love those trophies the boys made. I agree, every family have a type of glue which keep them together. Ours are the Bible. 

  10. @9516afdc0e1a3c59ddffa3b0977a1f4a  They are made out of two Styrofoam cups, an egg carton top and some pipe cleaners.

  11. @e0e489fc4ec6017f073ed0a9e8f2241a  Oh yes, we are.

  12. I love the trophies

  13. I love the braai hook :)

    He indeed sounds like a special man - aren't we blessed to have good men in our kids' lives?

  14. ***so special ***


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