Monday, 13 June 2011

Lucy is back!

Playing along with Cheryl.
This is a total Makes my Monday post because, after 8 weeks of sick leave, Lucy is back! Oh my word, life will return to what we know as normal. This morning, the 2 sick kids could stay at home and there was no stress involved as to who will look after them, and if I will get to my 9 o clock meeting in time.(Both Little man C and the Princess had German Measles - she now has bronchitis as a secondary infection and, no surprises, his asthma has flared up). Little man L is still standing strong - I wonder how long? Although Lucy is clearly not 100% life will continue to the usual.

But I have learned a lot in the time that we were without her:
  • We can actually make it on our own without a full time domestic/nanny.
  • The biggest challenge is to deal with sick kids and who will look after them.
  • The second biggest challenge is the mountains and mountains of washing. And the ironing thereof.
  • Even to just iron your most essential washing at the laundromat does become rather expensive
  • Our kids will wreck a perfectly clean home in about 3,5 minutes
  • If you try hard enough you can get them to do little tasks at home - even at 3 and a half years old.
  • Cooking meals ahead over the weekends is a total winner.
  • We have a lot of free time in the evenings - I never realized this, but with the household chores to be done in the evenings it ate all that time.
  • The kids missed her terribly, and she us. This morning she and the Princess was in tears of happiness.
So what makes your Monday?


  1. yeah for Lucy being back! So sorry to hear the kids are all sick. Hope a stretch of good health finds you soon and stays for the winter!

  2. I sense your relief.  Who wants to do without them?

  3. I'm glad to hear your Lucy is back!

    What made my Monday yesterday was my meeting with my new boss....I'm hoping and praying things get better at my new company.  By the sounds of it, it will :)

  4. Thanks goodness. Lucy is sent straight from heaven.

  5. What an incredible blessing to have a "Lucy!" She seems so very dear, and so attached to your family. What a great grounding soul. Her return to health and to your family Make My Monday, too! Thanks so much for playing along!

  6. I am so glad you have her back!!!

  7. It's the ironing that kills me. I don't mind doing any of the other chores but standing there for ages on end trying to get something flat just so I can make it wrinkly again is just too much ...

  8. How absolutely divine!  You are going to have a ball.  xx

  9. a quiet cup of coffee, news24 and catching up on online stuff is *awesome* for me on a monday. Gosh, i think you guys are superheroes for lasting 2mths sans help - i only have someone 2x a week and I seriously struggle and get very grumpy when she goes on leave! 

  10. Yay, I'm so happy for you!  Now you know why the Americans just want to put their feet up and be waited on hand and foot when they vacation in South Africa!  Because they have to do all the housework and usually all their gardening and both parents have a full time job with sick kids where you need a plan A and B and a plan C if B does not work out!  LOL! 

    I never really understood that until we came to live in the US.

  11. @ae6f03a74be54924532f9e4a218581b4  That's a big makes my Monday for you! The third is a girls weekend in the Berg this weekend and I will post about yesterday on Wednesday for Wordful Wed.

  12. Tumble drier idea is great. I lived in Oz as a teenager for a year and had to do all my washing and ironing the last few minutes in a tumble drier really works:) Glad to hear life is back to normal for you. 

  13. Yahoo!  So you had a 'date' day yesterday, and Lucy is back today.  Good things happen in 3's you know?  Wonder what is next?

    Yup, i rarely iron the kids clothes.  I've even told my ironing lady not too because it's a waste.  Folded as soon as they come off the line, or out of the drier they are just fine.

    Today what made my Monday is that dean's  staff actually listened to me - something they have never done before.  but it involved a snake, lots of long grass and a big cleanup needing to happen.  And it's happening.  yahoo!

  14. Even better -take the washing down before completely dry and tumble dry for 10 minutes.

  15. Glad to hear! :D
    I have learnt long ago from a friend with three children. Do not iron the children's clothes. I hang everything very neatly on hangers, and fold it up nicely, and nobody is the wiser! (I also do not have a full-time help. Only once a week, so I have to take some short-cuts!)

  16. Aaaawww, how sweet is A with Lucy!

    This would make my day, month and year! :)


So what's on your mind?